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Go Camping Magazine Summer 2011 Zurück Ausgabe

1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Content highlights include:
• Scarborough – Britain’s first resort for family holidays
• Go wild! - Simon King’s tips for turning a camping trip into a wildlife safari
• Festivals – a guide to camping at the best music events this summer
• Life’s a beach - Britain’s best sites by the sea
• Brittany on a budget – a fortnight in France for less than £1500
• Tested – Vango’s revolutionary new AirBeam
• How much should I spend? – complete camping kits to suit every pocket
• Pack it like a pro – how to get the tent back in the bag first time every time
• Essential camping accessories – what you REALLY need to take
So whether you fancy rock-pooling with the kids at the seaside enjoying a traditional family holiday on the Yorkshire coast or grabbing a restful weekend just down the road Go Camping will give you all the information and inspiration you need!
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Go Camping

Summer 2011 Content highlights include: • Scarborough – Britain’s first resort for family holidays • Go wild! - Simon King’s tips for turning a camping trip into a wildlife safari • Festivals – a guide to camping at the best music events this summer • Life’s a beach - Britain’s best sites by the sea • Brittany on a budget – a fortnight in France for less than £1500 • Tested – Vango’s revolutionary new AirBeam • How much should I spend? – complete camping kits to suit every pocket • Pack it like a pro – how to get the tent back in the bag first time every time • Essential camping accessories – what you REALLY need to take So whether you fancy rock-pooling with the kids at the seaside enjoying a traditional family holiday on the Yorkshire coast or grabbing a restful weekend just down the road Go Camping will give you all the information and inspiration you need!

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Issue Cover

Go Camping  |  Summer 2011  

Content highlights include:
• Scarborough – Britain’s first resort for family holidays
• Go wild! - Simon King’s tips for turning a camping trip into a wildlife safari
• Festivals – a guide to camping at the best music events this summer
• Life’s a beach - Britain’s best sites by the sea
• Brittany on a budget – a fortnight in France for less than £1500
• Tested – Vango’s revolutionary new AirBeam
• How much should I spend? – complete camping kits to suit every pocket
• Pack it like a pro – how to get the tent back in the bag first time every time
• Essential camping accessories – what you REALLY need to take
So whether you fancy rock-pooling with the kids at the seaside enjoying a traditional family holiday on the Yorkshire coast or grabbing a restful weekend just down the road Go Camping will give you all the information and inspiration you need!
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Go Camping, part of the Out&AboutLive family, packed with useful family-friendly information on where to camp in the UK and the kit to use, plus no-nonsense advice on how to get the most from the camping experience.

You’ll find loads of tips to give you the confidence to go camping this weekend, including where to buy your first tent, the different styles of tent and which one is best for you and even where you can have a ‘taster’ session to try before you buy.

Also listed are 70 of the best family-friendly sites in the UK, ranging from sites run by organisations such as The Caravan Club, to quaint rural sites.

A useful cost calculator gives you advice on what you are likely to pay for key items and puts together three complete camping outfits for you to compare.

On the practical end of the scale there’s advice on BBQ’s, campsite cookery, tent maintenance and repairs plus a list of essential accessories. And to inspire you, there are stories of great camping trips to Devon and music Festivals.

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