Go Camping  |  Summer 2011
Content highlights include:
• Scarborough – Britain’s first resort for family holidays
• Go wild! - Simon King’s tips for turning a camping trip into a wildlife safari
• Festivals – a guide to camping at the best music events this summer
• Life’s a beach - Britain’s best sites by the sea
• Brittany on a budget – a fortnight in France for less than £1500
• Tested – Vango’s revolutionary new AirBeam
• How much should I spend? – complete camping kits to suit every pocket
• Pack it like a pro – how to get the tent back in the bag first time every time
• Essential camping accessories – what you REALLY need to take
So whether you fancy rock-pooling with the kids at the seaside enjoying a traditional family holiday on the Yorkshire coast or grabbing a restful weekend just down the road Go Camping will give you all the information and inspiration you need!
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