Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider | Horse&Rider Magazine – December 2019
December Horse&Rider is out now! It's full of riding exercises, management know-how, expert advice and great prizes, just for you.
Find out how Paralympian Sophie Wells uses circles to help get your horse engaged and improve collection and extension without resorting to the kick-and-pull method.
Showjumper Anna Power shares her top exercises using raised poles to help your horse develop his core and make him more focused. If you have a small arena, or just a handful of jumps, then we’ve got some fantastic jumping exercises for you to try.
Make sure you take time to regroup, refocus and review, so you can become more focused and positive in your approach and mindset – psychologist Dr Hannah Butler-Coyne shares her top techniques. Moving your horse to a new yard can be really stressful, Anna Haines explains what you can do to ensure it goes smoothly.
With winter just around the corner we take a look at what you can do to maximize your time at the yard and find the balance between home and horses. Plus, with Christmas fast-approaching we’ve put together some top gift ideas.
Don’t forget to enter our fabulous competitions – you could win a pair of Ariat winter boots or horsey photoshoot. Plus, there's a great reader offer - Free! Equetch Infinity scarf worth £15.25 (T&C’s apply). Get your copy of December Horse&Rider today!
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