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Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider Horse&Rider November 2023 Zurück Ausgabe

27 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Sport (Equestrian)
Only €3,49
There’s nothing like the change of a season to make us reflect. Autumn is our favourite time of year – misty mornings, crisp, sunny days and beautiful leaf colour in the hedgerows. We never much feel like making resolutions in January – but introducing good habits and mindful moments feels easier in autumn, without the pressure of the competition season on top of us. In this issue of Horse&Rider, we’re exploring ways you can adjust your riding and management routines to help reduce the risk of injury and disease. Our experts share their simple, practical ideas on p62 and 114.

Whatever you enjoy doing with your horse, why not explore the last part of Nina Gill’s polework maze on page 30? While the floorplan takes a little setting up, the rewards are well worth it. Or, if you’re looking to improve the fundamentals of flatwork this winter, take a look at dressage rider Jezz Palmer’s tips and exercises that will help you rebuild and refine your horse’s foundations – no matter what level he’s at.

This issue also comes with a 44-page gear guide magazine. Producing it took the team around six weeks, culminating in five human and three equine models, and a blustery late-September day at a beautiful yard in Surrey to get the lifestyle images. It might sound glamorous, but by the time we’d done car boot Jenga to fit in all the boxes of clothes, cleaned what felt like dozens of pairs of boots so they’d look just right in the photos, and persuaded our hoof model to stand completely still next to our still life of hoof oils, the day passed in a blur. A beautiful blur, as it turned out. But don’t take our word for it, check out the magazine for some autumn/winter wardrobe inspiration.
Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider Preview PagesHorse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider Preview Pages

Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider

Horse&Rider November 2023 There’s nothing like the change of a season to make us reflect. Autumn is our favourite time of year – misty mornings, crisp, sunny days and beautiful leaf colour in the hedgerows. We never much feel like making resolutions in January – but introducing good habits and mindful moments feels easier in autumn, without the pressure of the competition season on top of us. In this issue of Horse&Rider, we’re exploring ways you can adjust your riding and management routines to help reduce the risk of injury and disease. Our experts share their simple, practical ideas on p62 and 114. Whatever you enjoy doing with your horse, why not explore the last part of Nina Gill’s polework maze on page 30? While the floorplan takes a little setting up, the rewards are well worth it. Or, if you’re looking to improve the fundamentals of flatwork this winter, take a look at dressage rider Jezz Palmer’s tips and exercises that will help you rebuild and refine your horse’s foundations – no matter what level he’s at. This issue also comes with a 44-page gear guide magazine. Producing it took the team around six weeks, culminating in five human and three equine models, and a blustery late-September day at a beautiful yard in Surrey to get the lifestyle images. It might sound glamorous, but by the time we’d done car boot Jenga to fit in all the boxes of clothes, cleaned what felt like dozens of pairs of boots so they’d look just right in the photos, and persuaded our hoof model to stand completely still next to our still life of hoof oils, the day passed in a blur. A beautiful blur, as it turned out. But don’t take our word for it, check out the magazine for some autumn/winter wardrobe inspiration.

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UK's top equestrian Mag

UK's best-selling equestrian monthly Überprüft 13 August 2020

Best horse mag ever

Just bought some back issues and a subscription. Used to buy it from the feed barn. Really like the way I can access the old issues whenever I like, and it is so quick to open. And this is the best all round read for me. Überprüft 16 Juli 2013

V Quick to download and great quality.

I love this mag and when I got an iPad for christmas thought I would try the digital version. I downloaded the sample for free, no problems. and now I get it sent to my iPad every month. bliss! Überprüft 26 Februar 2013
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