Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider | March 2022
The March issue of Horse&Rider’s out now – and if you’re ready to start making the most of your hours in the saddle, you certainly won’t want to miss it. Headlining our riding section comes top international eventer, Sam Griffiths, who helps you structure your schooling sessions appropriately and set you up for success! Dressage rider Dan Greenwood begins the first of his pace masterclasses, kicking off with ways to wow in walk. Plus, Anna Miller joins us for her last instalment and shares her top tips for power-packed paces and the best ways to engage your horse’s engine. And, if it’s polework inspiration you’re after, we’ve got you covered there, too, with three versatile exercises you can do with just three poles.
Turn to our vet and horse care sections to get the lowdown on equine vaccinations, as well as hearing about all things sarcoids. Plus, if you’ve ever considered a career in an equine veterinary practice, or just fancy a sneak peek behind the scenes, we speak to some of the staff at Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons who tell us more about their roles and, most importantly, how they make it work around their own horses!
If you’ve ever wondered whether your well-meaning friend’s advice is more helpful or hindrance, we’ve got just the feature to help you tactfully deal with the topic!
If you fancy trying your luck on this month’s competitions, we’ve got an awesome competition from Haygain in which you could win a steamer and slow feeder, as well as a super £1,000 prize bundle from Gallop Equestrian.
All this and more in the March issue of Horse&Rider – out now!
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