Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider | Winter 2022
The January issue of Horse&Rider is out now!
Packed full of fantastic training content, we bring you the first part of our all-new series about arena cross-country schooling with international eventer and coach Felicity Collins. This issue, she shares everything you need to consider before you get started. You might spot some familiar faces because our models are the ever-popular social media personality and content creator, Esme Higgs and her gorgeous grey gelding, Joey! National dressage champion, Gareth Hughes also kicks off his series for better marks with a feature that is all about accuracy – you won’t want to miss it. Plus, we’ve got an exciting feature with polework guru Nina Gill, who shares with us all the reasons why you should be including it on your horse’s workload.
Riding mindset expert Alison Buttery shares her alternative methods of goal setting and new year’s resolutions.
Our vet section covers everything you need to know about barrier nursing, with thanks to Heath Equine Vets’ Geri Long. We’ve also put together an annual health check planner so you can keep on top of your horse’s vital visits!
Venture into our management section to make your equine dreams come true! Could you make horses at home a reality? You might find that it’s within easier reach than you’d thought… Plus, we’ve put together our ultimate guide to decluttering your tack room to get you one step closer to an Insta-worthy yard.
We’ve also got a mega bundle of all of Horse&Rider’s tried & tested winning products of 2022 to give away – you could win over £1,200 worth of items with our Best In Test seal of approval. Plus, we’ve got a selection of other fantastic prizes, from ridding leggings and winter coats, to fab feed and riding equipment, there really is something for everyone!
All this and more in the January issue of Horse&Rider magazine. Don’t delay, pick up your copy today!
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