Living Blues  |  Living Blues #266
Living Blues #266 (April/May) is our special 50th Anniversary issue, our largest issue in nearly a decade. For this issue we are revisiting 21 of our past cover artists and seeing where life and the blues have led them since we last spoke. Artists featured include Bobby Rush, Irma Thomas, Jimmy Johnson, Robert Cray, Lil’ Ed Williams, Shemekia Copeland, and many, many more. The issue also includes: The story of the early years of Living Blues as told by co-founding editor Jim O’Neal. Let It Roll featuring Barbecue Bob’s recording session for Columbia Records in Atlanta on April 13, 1928, a session that helped define the sound of Atlanta Blues. Thirty of the Very Best Blues Albums of the 2010s and Thirty You May Have Missed and People, Places, and Things, a list of 50 blues songs dealing with particular people, places, and things, both real and mythical, both from Jim DeKoster. Fifty Fabulous Sessions – The Pre-war Era from Jas Obrecht. Plus the 2020 Living Blues Festival Guide.
All of this plus the latest in Blues News, Breaking Out spotlighting breakout artist King Solomon Hicks, record reviews, book reviews, and the latest Living Blues Radio Charts.
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