Nile Magazine  |  Issue 16
Nile Magazine #16, October–November 2018.
- Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse. Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse.
- Kleopatra Selene. What is less well known about Cleopatra and Mark Antony is that they had three children, including a daughter, Kleopatra Selene. She would be the last Ptolemy.
- The Unlucky Mummy. So, you think you know the story of the Unlucky Mummy? Think again. We explore the myths and the surprising truth about THAT mummy board.
- Spirit Birds. Not only could Egypt’s birds represent a specific deity, but also a number of concepts that were crucial to the Egyptians enjoying a successful afterlife.
- The Royal Tombs. The New Kingdom pharaohs embrace Senwosret III’s innovation, separate their tombs and temples, and head underground.
- What's New? Alexandria’s “Big Black Sarcophagus” surprises with some impressed gold sheets, and the world’s oldest cheese yet discovered turns out to be the real evil.
- Plus, the Nile Crossword (NEW!), Looking Back and lots more.
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