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Nile Magazine Issue 16 Edição anterior

40 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €4,99
Nile Magazine #16, October–November 2018.
- Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse. Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse.
- Kleopatra Selene. What is less well known about Cleopatra and Mark Antony is that they had three children, including a daughter, Kleopatra Selene. She would be the last Ptolemy.
- The Unlucky Mummy. So, you think you know the story of the Unlucky Mummy? Think again. We explore the myths and the surprising truth about THAT mummy board.
- Spirit Birds. Not only could Egypt’s birds represent a specific deity, but also a number of concepts that were crucial to the Egyptians enjoying a successful afterlife.
- The Royal Tombs. The New Kingdom pharaohs embrace Senwosret III’s innovation, separate their tombs and temples, and head underground.
- What's New? Alexandria’s “Big Black Sarcophagus” surprises with some impressed gold sheets, and the world’s oldest cheese yet discovered turns out to be the real evil.
- Plus, the Nile Crossword (NEW!), Looking Back and lots more.
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Nile Magazine

Issue 16 Nile Magazine #16, October–November 2018. - Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse. Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse. - Kleopatra Selene. What is less well known about Cleopatra and Mark Antony is that they had three children, including a daughter, Kleopatra Selene. She would be the last Ptolemy. - The Unlucky Mummy. So, you think you know the story of the Unlucky Mummy? Think again. We explore the myths and the surprising truth about THAT mummy board. - Spirit Birds. Not only could Egypt’s birds represent a specific deity, but also a number of concepts that were crucial to the Egyptians enjoying a successful afterlife. - The Royal Tombs. The New Kingdom pharaohs embrace Senwosret III’s innovation, separate their tombs and temples, and head underground. - What's New? Alexandria’s “Big Black Sarcophagus” surprises with some impressed gold sheets, and the world’s oldest cheese yet discovered turns out to be the real evil. - Plus, the Nile Crossword (NEW!), Looking Back and lots more.

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Nile Magazine issue Issue 16

Nile Magazine  |  Issue 16  

Nile Magazine #16, October–November 2018.
- Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse. Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse.
- Kleopatra Selene. What is less well known about Cleopatra and Mark Antony is that they had three children, including a daughter, Kleopatra Selene. She would be the last Ptolemy.
- The Unlucky Mummy. So, you think you know the story of the Unlucky Mummy? Think again. We explore the myths and the surprising truth about THAT mummy board.
- Spirit Birds. Not only could Egypt’s birds represent a specific deity, but also a number of concepts that were crucial to the Egyptians enjoying a successful afterlife.
- The Royal Tombs. The New Kingdom pharaohs embrace Senwosret III’s innovation, separate their tombs and temples, and head underground.
- What's New? Alexandria’s “Big Black Sarcophagus” surprises with some impressed gold sheets, and the world’s oldest cheese yet discovered turns out to be the real evil.
- Plus, the Nile Crossword (NEW!), Looking Back and lots more.
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Com base em 40 Comentários de clientes
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Nile Magazine

I've been studying ancient Egypt on an amateur basis for some years, and I always find fascinating articles in Nile magazine. Revisto 06 março 2021

Nile Magazine

Love this magazine. Excellent articles. Revisto 27 junho 2020

Nile Magazine

Informative, up to date and a super quality printed edition.
Would like to see more on UK exhibits (museums, collections etc. and book reviews)
But, as is, the best around.
Revisto 22 junho 2020

Nile Magazine

Excellent , Superb Revisto 22 junho 2020

Nile Magazine

Absolutely amazing, full of interesting facts about Ancient Egypt Revisto 05 maio 2020

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