OM Yoga Magazine  |  March 2018
Welcome to the latest issue of OM Yoga & Lifestyle magazine. Inside, we’ve got a wonderful collection of stories, amazing people, practical yoga instruction and inspiration galore to educate and entertain you in the month ahead. Some people say that yoga helps with their stress relief, some say it eases chronic pain issues, others say you can build strength with it, not to mention flexibility, and even stand on your head with it (without using your hands!). We say you can do all of these things with yoga — and much more! Whether you’re new to it, or an expert with decades of experience, let OM be your companion along the way. This month — and every month — we aim to share with you all that’s wonderful about this amazing ancient discipline. So sit back and enjoy the read. Have a fantastic March, folks, and see you on the mat real soon.
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus OM Yoga Magazine March 2018.