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OM Yoga Magazine Nov-22 Zurück Ausgabe

41 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Women's Fitness)
Yoga is a magical gift with the power to uplift!
If you’re new to the wonderful world of yoga and to OM magazine, then welcome — let’s hope this is the start of an amazing journey together. Our aim is to support you, motivate you and inspire you wherever you are in your practice, from the very beginner to the more experienced yogi and yogini out there.
Right from the start we’ve set out to make yoga accessible and fun to everyone and every body — yep, everyone can do yoga, no matter how old, no matter what shape you’re in. You just need to do it! As the famous yoga saying goes: if you can breathe, you can do yoga.
And if you do embark on a yoga practice, no matter how small, it can bring about incredible transformation — in body, mind and soul. A regular practice brings with it more energy, more vitality, and can lead to other incredible life changes. Who knows, maybe you’ll be thinking about becoming a yoga teacher before long!
So why not start exploring this incredible gift right now, starting with a trip to your local studio. It’s really important that we now support the small yoga studios out there, especially at a time when energy bills and other costs are rising fast. Show them the love and show yourself that you are ready to make a commitment to you and your future — it’s time to step on the mat and live the dream.
Find the time to roll out your yoga mat, to get to that class, to explore all the studios nearby, and take time to read OM — we’ll be with you every step of the way.
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OM Yoga Magazine

Nov-22 Yoga is a magical gift with the power to uplift! If you’re new to the wonderful world of yoga and to OM magazine, then welcome — let’s hope this is the start of an amazing journey together. Our aim is to support you, motivate you and inspire you wherever you are in your practice, from the very beginner to the more experienced yogi and yogini out there. Right from the start we’ve set out to make yoga accessible and fun to everyone and every body — yep, everyone can do yoga, no matter how old, no matter what shape you’re in. You just need to do it! As the famous yoga saying goes: if you can breathe, you can do yoga. And if you do embark on a yoga practice, no matter how small, it can bring about incredible transformation — in body, mind and soul. A regular practice brings with it more energy, more vitality, and can lead to other incredible life changes. Who knows, maybe you’ll be thinking about becoming a yoga teacher before long! So why not start exploring this incredible gift right now, starting with a trip to your local studio. It’s really important that we now support the small yoga studios out there, especially at a time when energy bills and other costs are rising fast. Show them the love and show yourself that you are ready to make a commitment to you and your future — it’s time to step on the mat and live the dream. Find the time to roll out your yoga mat, to get to that class, to explore all the studios nearby, and take time to read OM — we’ll be with you every step of the way.

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Issue Cover

OM Yoga Magazine  |  Nov-22  

Yoga is a magical gift with the power to uplift!
If you’re new to the wonderful world of yoga and to OM magazine, then welcome — let’s hope this is the start of an amazing journey together. Our aim is to support you, motivate you and inspire you wherever you are in your practice, from the very beginner to the more experienced yogi and yogini out there.
Right from the start we’ve set out to make yoga accessible and fun to everyone and every body — yep, everyone can do yoga, no matter how old, no matter what shape you’re in. You just need to do it! As the famous yoga saying goes: if you can breathe, you can do yoga.
And if you do embark on a yoga practice, no matter how small, it can bring about incredible transformation — in body, mind and soul. A regular practice brings with it more energy, more vitality, and can lead to other incredible life changes. Who knows, maybe you’ll be thinking about becoming a yoga teacher before long!
So why not start exploring this incredible gift right now, starting with a trip to your local studio. It’s really important that we now support the small yoga studios out there, especially at a time when energy bills and other costs are rising fast. Show them the love and show yourself that you are ready to make a commitment to you and your future — it’s time to step on the mat and live the dream.
Find the time to roll out your yoga mat, to get to that class, to explore all the studios nearby, and take time to read OM — we’ll be with you every step of the way.
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Designed to inspire and to energise, OM magazine wants to help you enjoy a more active and rewarding life, drawing on the physical and mental disciplines of yoga, an ancient practice just as popular today as it was thousands of years ago.
We take our exercise seriously but this is more than a health and fitness magazine.
At OM, our goal is to both entertain and to enrich, to nurture your soul at a time when the world around you may be pre-occupied with more material concerns. Each issue contains easy to follow yoga sequences plus instructions for achieving individual poses.
A wealth of meditation, nutrition and wellbeing articles to help guide you in your lifestyle choices.

In every issue we aim to nourish body, mind and soul, to galvanise you into action, and to challenge how you feel about the world around you and the people and things in it.
OM magazine is not just about doing yoga – it’s about living yoga

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For all yoga fans

Always includes lots of interesting information to make the most of your fitness Überprüft 09 April 2022

OM Yoga Magazine

Very good Überprüft 07 Dezember 2020

OM Yoga Magazine

Love the 360 on yoga positions. Überprüft 24 September 2020

LOVE this magazine! Überprüft 23 August 2012

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