Paradigm Shift  |  Paradigm Shift Issue 67
Published with 17 pages more than the printed version.
* Interview with Lee Carroll – channel for Kryon since 1989.
* Angels & The Keys to Paradise – Stewart Pearce visits the Tomb of Ay.
* Elizabeth Bradley’s astrology – raising our vibration through Jupiter’s salutation.
* Unlocking the door to your heart – finding truth and love within by Joan Cerio.
* Joseph through Michael G Reccia – navigating the spiritual minefield.
* Lucid Dreaming – ancient Toltec wisdom.
* The Laws of Creation – self responsibility for young souls by Elizabeth Ann Morris.
* Parallel Lives & Split Incarnations – incarnating in more than one body.
* Winds of Change – creating a brave new world.
* Soul Journeying – Kryon talks about the Human Soul and where it comes from.
* Autumn of Runes – runes for the next 3 months by Ann O’Keife .
* The Lizard People – beings on the subtle planes of existence.
* Introduction to Runes covering May, June and July.
* Turning inwards to core power – a planet and population in transition says Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn.
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