Practical Fishkeeping  |  Practical Fishkeeping Magazine July 2021
it has been a busy issue on every front. For the last few months I have been working hard on a second fish-based magazine (you’ll need to watch this space for more details) as well as unsettling my entire life by moving home — about 130 miles away from where I was living before. Between packing, trying to juggle two magazines at once, and the endless red tape of house-buying paperwork, I’ll confess that I’m feeling a little exhausted.
On the plus side, I’m now based in the Greater Manchester region, arguably the cradle of the UK fish hobby. Even better, the home I’m buying has a garage that’s just crying out to be turned into a fish house project. Given that I’ve spent the last decade flitting between shared properties, you’ve no idea how much I’m looking forward to setting up a few entirely self-indulgent aquarium projects. 2021 is looking good!
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