Rapid  |  Issue#90 June 2014
Grab yourself a copy of Rapid Bikes issue #90 with the new Ducati Monster 1200S tested, as well as an EBR 1190 RX road test and Yamaha’s new MT-09 compared to Triumph’s Street Triple R. Plus the Benelli BN600 is put through its paces!
Tweaked features include the amazing turbocharged Ducati Diavel cover bike – putting out 300hp and 200ft-lbs of torque! There’s a Radical Ducati from Spain, paying tribute to the Nencioni 450 Desmo Corsa, a gutsy GSX-1100 ‘Trench Wench’ dirt dragger, and Brendan Roberts’ steel framed TBR D&D Katana.
Tech Tips include repairing a tyre puncture as well as the third installment in the engine rebuilding how-to, focusing on two-stroke stripping and four-stroke clutch inspection. And of course all the regulars such as Flipped with Matt Mingay and ET for your drag racing fix and all the regular columns with Ned Shaw, Mark Stenberg and Dave Manning.
In the Knee Down track section you will find columns by Steve Brouggy, Andrew Pitt, Bryan Staring and Emma Bailey of EJB Exercise Physiology. Moving from dirt to tarmac is covered in getting started, as well as the first installment in how to covert your bike for racing. Plus a track guide for Queensland Raceway and all the latest in our On Track section, covering Australian and international racing!
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