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letter from the the editor

Living the Life and Printing the Passion

IF YOU GUYS ARE ANYWHERE NEAR AS EXCITED AS I AM ABOUT THE SECOND HALF OF 2020, I THINK WE WOULD PROBABLY GET ALONG PRETTY WELL. The sheer number of massive events that have been postponed to the second half, along with the SEMA show and multiple highly anticipated truck build debuts set to take place, mean the end of 2020 looks like it will make up for the disastrous fi rst half we all just went through. Truck shows, multi-state cruises and even some live-action racing are all on the schedule before the end of this year. We know it’s tough for you guys to hit every exciting event in that short of a timeframe, but don’t worry. We have a few tricks up our sleeve that we will be throwing down sooner than you think.

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