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MAYBE YOU’VE JUST STARTED AN LS ENGINE PROJECT FOR YOUR TRUCK GIVEN THE EXTRA DOWN TIME WE’VE ALL EXPERIENCED RECENTLY, OR PERHAPS YOU’VE HAD AN ENGINE BUILD ALREADY IN PROGRESS. Whatever category you fall into, your project can definitely benefit from some of these new products designed specifically for LS engine builds and swaps. Some are meant to improve the visual appeal of the engine while others are designed solely to produce breakneck speed and pure gains in power.

If you’re looking to add either of those qualities (hopefully both) to your LS engine swap, start planning the next phase(s) of your project here. With the LS platform being such a reliable and powerful addition to classic truck models, as well as slick swap into more modern pickups, the wide variety of available aftermarket products is seemingly endless. From shiny dress-up parts to aggressive go-fast goods, it’s all here for you to make the most of your continuing or upcoming LS swap project. It’s a big job, but one that is well deserving of the investments of both time and money. Follow along, take some notes and start wrenching! The road to a rippin’ and roarin’ LS engine has never been easier and more exciting to explore.

FAST XFI Sportsman EFI System for GM LS Engines

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