SurfGirl Magazine  |  SurfGirl 72
As we head towards the end of 2020, one thing is for sure – we will all remember this year as being one of the most disruptive of our lives. The pandemic has affected some more than others, but it’s shaped all of our lives in so many ways. Some things that have become obvious during this crazy year are these:
The sea has been our tonic for mind, body and soul. Yet with so many pressing issues, it feels like concerns about plastic pollution and climate change have dropped down our list of priorities. We need to remind ourselves that these problems haven’t gone away, and once the world’s population starts to heal, we need to ensure that our planet and its oceans are healthy, too.
This year is a time for a change. Who you vote for, the decisions you make, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the attitudes you have – all this adds up to making the world a better place. Or not. It’s in our power to make change, so let’s use it.
More than ever our friendship groups, family and community have been so important. From Indo to California to Cornwall, we’ve all been in this together, so let’s stay connected.
This issue we’re here to share positive vibes for better times ahead. We take a peek into surfers’ backyards, and find out how they are reconnecting with their local areas and communities. We talk to some entrepreneurial women who have gone it alone and forged their own paths. So, be inspired. If the usual career options aren’t available to you, see this time as an opportunity; a time to stop, rethink and reset your own path.
Most of all, we still believe in the wonder of a beautiful surf session, the discovery of a rarely surfed wave, and the joy of sharing waves with friends. Whatever is going on in the world, there’s still magic in the ocean, so let’s embrace it.
Stay safe. Stay connected.
– Louise Searle
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