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Taste of the South Magazine March/April 2020 Zurück Ausgabe

0 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
The early days of spring are upon us, and this March/April issue of Taste of the South has everything you need to start shaking off the winter chill. Early morning mains like the Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole will rekindle and excitement for breakfast while showstopping desserts like the Strawberry Shortcake Sheet Cake are what dreams are made of. You’ll also discover tasty new ways to enjoy ingredients like rich, golden honey and garden-fresh carrots, and don’t miss our quick lesson on making classically delicious deviled eggs that are perfect for every Easter celebration. Dive into Norfolk’s lively food scene, then be sure to treat yourself to our tour the South’s best bakeries. Wherever the season takes you, make sure you take this new issue of Taste of the South along for the ride.
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Taste of the South

March/April 2020 The early days of spring are upon us, and this March/April issue of Taste of the South has everything you need to start shaking off the winter chill. Early morning mains like the Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole will rekindle and excitement for breakfast while showstopping desserts like the Strawberry Shortcake Sheet Cake are what dreams are made of. You’ll also discover tasty new ways to enjoy ingredients like rich, golden honey and garden-fresh carrots, and don’t miss our quick lesson on making classically delicious deviled eggs that are perfect for every Easter celebration. Dive into Norfolk’s lively food scene, then be sure to treat yourself to our tour the South’s best bakeries. Wherever the season takes you, make sure you take this new issue of Taste of the South along for the ride.

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Issue Cover

Taste of the South  |  March/April 2020  

The early days of spring are upon us, and this March/April issue of Taste of the South has everything you need to start shaking off the winter chill. Early morning mains like the Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole will rekindle and excitement for breakfast while showstopping desserts like the Strawberry Shortcake Sheet Cake are what dreams are made of. You’ll also discover tasty new ways to enjoy ingredients like rich, golden honey and garden-fresh carrots, and don’t miss our quick lesson on making classically delicious deviled eggs that are perfect for every Easter celebration. Dive into Norfolk’s lively food scene, then be sure to treat yourself to our tour the South’s best bakeries. Wherever the season takes you, make sure you take this new issue of Taste of the South along for the ride.
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Taste of the South helps you savor the unique dishes, cooking personalities and culinary destinations of the South- and now you can enjoy every single page on the iPad! For readers who love Southern cooking or simply experimenting with new flavors, this magazine is a guidebook. Taste of the South is for those who have a passion for good food, at home and on the road. Every issue is a guide to Southern lifestyle.

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