The Knitter  |  Issue 175
From fabulous cables and elegant lace to fresh colourwork, we have spectacular stitch patterns for you to enjoy in Issue 174! Our projects are light yet warm - perfect for our changeable spring weather. These include a bright yoked cardigan from Mary Henderson, a pretty shawl with colourwork flowers and textured leaves, and a cardigan with tailored details. We also have a classic Aran sweater for women, and a neat cardigan inspired by Norwegian folk costume. Smaller accessories include a colourwork hat and mitts in a luxurious yarn, lace and cable socks, and a striped wrap.
Also in this issue, we learn about the rare-breed Norfolk Horn sheep with Fibreworkshop’s
Jenn Monahan, explore the best yarns for your seasonal knitting, and take a look at five stretchy cast-off methods. Plus, our special supplement features a stunning funnel-neck sweater combining five different stitch textures, designed for us by Sanna Mard Castman.
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