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The Knitter Magazine Issue 175 Zurück Ausgabe

92 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €7,99
From fabulous cables and elegant lace to fresh colourwork, we have spectacular stitch patterns for you to enjoy in Issue 174! Our projects are light yet warm - perfect for our changeable spring weather. These include a bright yoked cardigan from Mary Henderson, a pretty shawl with colourwork flowers and textured leaves, and a cardigan with tailored details. We also have a classic Aran sweater for women, and a neat cardigan inspired by Norwegian folk costume. Smaller accessories include a colourwork hat and mitts in a luxurious yarn, lace and cable socks, and a striped wrap.
Also in this issue, we learn about the rare-breed Norfolk Horn sheep with Fibreworkshop’s
Jenn Monahan, explore the best yarns for your seasonal knitting, and take a look at five stretchy cast-off methods. Plus, our special supplement features a stunning funnel-neck sweater combining five different stitch textures, designed for us by Sanna Mard Castman.
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The Knitter

Issue 175 From fabulous cables and elegant lace to fresh colourwork, we have spectacular stitch patterns for you to enjoy in Issue 174! Our projects are light yet warm - perfect for our changeable spring weather. These include a bright yoked cardigan from Mary Henderson, a pretty shawl with colourwork flowers and textured leaves, and a cardigan with tailored details. We also have a classic Aran sweater for women, and a neat cardigan inspired by Norwegian folk costume. Smaller accessories include a colourwork hat and mitts in a luxurious yarn, lace and cable socks, and a striped wrap. Also in this issue, we learn about the rare-breed Norfolk Horn sheep with Fibreworkshop’s Jenn Monahan, explore the best yarns for your seasonal knitting, and take a look at five stretchy cast-off methods. Plus, our special supplement features a stunning funnel-neck sweater combining five different stitch textures, designed for us by Sanna Mard Castman.

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Issue Cover

The Knitter  |  Issue 175  

From fabulous cables and elegant lace to fresh colourwork, we have spectacular stitch patterns for you to enjoy in Issue 174! Our projects are light yet warm - perfect for our changeable spring weather. These include a bright yoked cardigan from Mary Henderson, a pretty shawl with colourwork flowers and textured leaves, and a cardigan with tailored details. We also have a classic Aran sweater for women, and a neat cardigan inspired by Norwegian folk costume. Smaller accessories include a colourwork hat and mitts in a luxurious yarn, lace and cable socks, and a striped wrap.
Also in this issue, we learn about the rare-breed Norfolk Horn sheep with Fibreworkshop’s
Jenn Monahan, explore the best yarns for your seasonal knitting, and take a look at five stretchy cast-off methods. Plus, our special supplement features a stunning funnel-neck sweater combining five different stitch textures, designed for us by Sanna Mard Castman.
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The Knitter caters for skilled knitters with more than 10 challenging patterns in each issue.

The Knitter has beautiful, original patterns and inspiration from world-class designers.

Our patterns aren’t just fabulous to look at, they’re enjoyable to make, with a few unusual techniques and intriguing ways with yarns for you to try.

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High quality

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Always interesting

All the best information regarding this particular topic of knitting is included here Überprüft 09 April 2022

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