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The Lady Magazine 12 January 2018 Zurück Ausgabe

8 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
Only €2,49
In this weeks issue:
* ABBA! A new exhibition celebrating the lasting legacy of the band is the perfect way to say thank you for the music.
* Michaela Strachan Richard Barber talks to the star as she returns to Winterwatch
* The Bear That Went to War - The remarkable tale of how a bear braved the guns of World War II to become a Polish hero and a Scotttish national monument
* Pet holiday special - Everything You Need to Know About Taking Your Pet on Holiday - Pet-friendly places to stay
* The Lady Guide to Modern Manners with Thomas Blaikie
The Lady Preview PagesThe Lady Preview Pages

The Lady

12 January 2018 In this weeks issue: * ABBA! A new exhibition celebrating the lasting legacy of the band is the perfect way to say thank you for the music. * Michaela Strachan Richard Barber talks to the star as she returns to Winterwatch * The Bear That Went to War - The remarkable tale of how a bear braved the guns of World War II to become a Polish hero and a Scotttish national monument * Pet holiday special - Everything You Need to Know About Taking Your Pet on Holiday - Pet-friendly places to stay * The Lady Guide to Modern Manners with Thomas Blaikie

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First beginning in February 1885, The Lady’s reputation for setting the benchmark in quality reading has always been at the forefront of importance. With their beautiful head office situated in the renowned Covent Garden, The Lady magazine has always been the quintessential choice of magazine for the elegant lady.

The Lady was initially infamous for its domestic advertisements for a variation of house staff and survived through two World Wars to continue serving ladies alike with cleverly chosen articles. The magazine maintains a focus on cooking, home decor, gardening, health and fashion. With the many changes to editors since the magazine launched, The Lady continues to modernise in content and style, whilst always keeping its original style and quirks.

The Lady is now fast becoming England’s most talked about women’s magazine and continues to provide thousands of readers with the most enthusing articles. Whether you’re looking for a regular update on current affairs, or just tips and advice to keep you at the top of society, The Lady is available to provide it all.

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