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Town And Country Farmer Magazine Town & Country Farmer March/April 2016 Zurück Ausgabe

0 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Gardening)
In this issue…

WHAT’S IN MY GARDEN? Vegetables plus a lot more
A solitude that never feels lonely.

RIVER COTTAGE AUSTRALIA: The perfect recipe for a functional kitchen
What you need and what you don’t need.

DEER: Deer farming in Australia
There are two main products – venison and velvet.

PULSES: Linger on the Pulse
With the International Year of Pulses.

AGRIBUSINESS: Entrepreneurial business learning from MOC
A special “Innovate the plate” showcase.

BUFFALO: Buffalo milk producer
Buffalo milk is part of an ancient tradition.

WAYNE’S WORLD: Time to smell the roses
Wayne reflects on his love of the veggie patch.

POTATOES: Living with spuds
Potatoes are the fourth largest food crop.

TREES: Scarred trees need protecting on farms
Some scars may be several hundred years old.

OLIVES: Olive growing in Australia
Australia produces around 93,500 mt of olives.


Join the Australian alpaca association; Making babies – making history

Seven reasons why choosing certifies organic is good for you; Black Crow Organics – healthy organic vegetables; Yamstick Farm – organic eggs at their best; Bills Organics – certified organic health bakery; High Tree Estate – Australian certified organic coffee

Renovating post-summer pasture; Hendra virus update
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Town And Country Farmer

Town & Country Farmer March/April 2016 In this issue… WHAT’S IN MY GARDEN? Vegetables plus a lot more A solitude that never feels lonely. RIVER COTTAGE AUSTRALIA: The perfect recipe for a functional kitchen What you need and what you don’t need. DEER: Deer farming in Australia There are two main products – venison and velvet. PULSES: Linger on the Pulse With the International Year of Pulses. AGRIBUSINESS: Entrepreneurial business learning from MOC A special “Innovate the plate” showcase. BUFFALO: Buffalo milk producer Buffalo milk is part of an ancient tradition. WAYNE’S WORLD: Time to smell the roses Wayne reflects on his love of the veggie patch. POTATOES: Living with spuds Potatoes are the fourth largest food crop. TREES: Scarred trees need protecting on farms Some scars may be several hundred years old. OLIVES: Olive growing in Australia Australia produces around 93,500 mt of olives. SPECIAL FEATURES ALPACAS Join the Australian alpaca association; Making babies – making history CERTIFIED ORGANIC FEATURE Seven reasons why choosing certifies organic is good for you; Black Crow Organics – healthy organic vegetables; Yamstick Farm – organic eggs at their best; Bills Organics – certified organic health bakery; High Tree Estate – Australian certified organic coffee YOUR HORSE Renovating post-summer pasture; Hendra virus update

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Issue Cover

Town And Country Farmer  |  Town & Country Farmer March/April 2016  

In this issue…

WHAT’S IN MY GARDEN? Vegetables plus a lot more
A solitude that never feels lonely.

RIVER COTTAGE AUSTRALIA: The perfect recipe for a functional kitchen
What you need and what you don’t need.

DEER: Deer farming in Australia
There are two main products – venison and velvet.

PULSES: Linger on the Pulse
With the International Year of Pulses.

AGRIBUSINESS: Entrepreneurial business learning from MOC
A special “Innovate the plate” showcase.

BUFFALO: Buffalo milk producer
Buffalo milk is part of an ancient tradition.

WAYNE’S WORLD: Time to smell the roses
Wayne reflects on his love of the veggie patch.

POTATOES: Living with spuds
Potatoes are the fourth largest food crop.

TREES: Scarred trees need protecting on farms
Some scars may be several hundred years old.

OLIVES: Olive growing in Australia
Australia produces around 93,500 mt of olives.


Join the Australian alpaca association; Making babies – making history

Seven reasons why choosing certifies organic is good for you; Black Crow Organics – healthy organic vegetables; Yamstick Farm – organic eggs at their best; Bills Organics – certified organic health bakery; High Tree Estate – Australian certified organic coffee

Renovating post-summer pasture; Hendra virus update
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Since 1984, Town & Country Farmer magazine has been providing practical information about farming on a small acreage property.

For 30 years, Town & Country Farmer has been delivering essential information on traditional farming enterprises as well a wide range of new and emerging industries.

With its focus on the practical aspects of living “the good life”, Town & Country Farmer is both entertaining and informative.
The publishers have a small property so live and breathe the issues all day themselves.

Town & Country Farmer has a specialist team of writers who deliver information on a wide range of topics including choosing a property, farm planning and options – when and what to plant, stock selection, animal health, fire prevention, fencing, water management, farm machinery and maintenance. Articles on horses, alpacas and new product reviews appear in every issue.
We help you expand your farming knowledge, reach your goals and make life on the land easier and as enjoyable as it should be.

Whether you have a small property – or are looking at making the move, Town & Country Farmer is the magazine for you. Download it today so you never miss an issue.

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