Town And Country Farmer  |  Town & Country Farmer January/February 2016
In this issue…
RIVER COTTAGE AUSTRALIA: Summer in the patch
Consistency is the key to summer.
WHAT’S IN MY GARDEN?: It all started with a hedge…
Charlie Albone shares what’s in his garden.
GINSENG: Ginseng – “green gold”
Seven years in the making.
FOREST FARM: Down in the forest
Ecological theory meets down to earth practice.
WETBACKS & SOLAR HOT WATER: A long way from a pot over an open fire
You just can’t take hot water for granted.
EAT WHAT YOU GROW: Mobile butchering and the ethics of homegrown meat
An aspiration becomes a delicious reality.
WEED CONTROL: Weed control without herbicides
The first essential is getting to know your weeds.
YOUR HORSE: Australian Light Horse Museum
Horses made an enormous contribution to the war.
WAYNE’S WORLD: Horse Manure - be careful you don’t get more than you bargain for
We had been inadvertently been poisoning our plants.
RIPARIAN: Good Property Management = Cleaner Catchment
Healthy ground covers protect productive soils.
Certified Organic Feature
The Australian organic industry is worth $1.7 billion and growing.
Practical advice from the Australian Alpaca Association.
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