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Trailrider Magazine Issue#66 Oct/Nov Zurück Ausgabe

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In each edition of this action-packed magazine, you are invited to go off road and get on track with Editor and bike personality Stephen “Tuffy” Tuff and the Trailrider team. Explore new trails, feel the excitement and tension of an off road race, visit far-flung places, meet new people and experience first-hand the thrills and spills that are part and parcel of trail riding. Trailrider covers the gritty side of the sport — the side that sees you dripping with sweat, covered in mud or dust and grinning from ear to ear at the end of a long, hard day on the bike. Regular features like Tech Tips and Gear Check keep you informed and up to date for your next adventure.
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Issue#66 Oct/Nov In each edition of this action-packed magazine, you are invited to go off road and get on track with Editor and bike personality Stephen “Tuffy” Tuff and the Trailrider team. Explore new trails, feel the excitement and tension of an off road race, visit far-flung places, meet new people and experience first-hand the thrills and spills that are part and parcel of trail riding. Trailrider covers the gritty side of the sport — the side that sees you dripping with sweat, covered in mud or dust and grinning from ear to ear at the end of a long, hard day on the bike. Regular features like Tech Tips and Gear Check keep you informed and up to date for your next adventure.

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Issue Cover

Trailrider  |  Issue#66 Oct/Nov  

In each edition of this action-packed magazine, you are invited to go off road and get on track with Editor and bike personality Stephen “Tuffy” Tuff and the Trailrider team. Explore new trails, feel the excitement and tension of an off road race, visit far-flung places, meet new people and experience first-hand the thrills and spills that are part and parcel of trail riding. Trailrider covers the gritty side of the sport — the side that sees you dripping with sweat, covered in mud or dust and grinning from ear to ear at the end of a long, hard day on the bike. Regular features like Tech Tips and Gear Check keep you informed and up to date for your next adventure.
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Since its inception, Australian Trailrider Magazine has steadily grown in popularity to become the number one selling trail riding magazine in the country; giving dedicated readers the latest on trail, enduro, desert and adventure motorcycling.
Australian Trailrider delivers the action, passion and adventure of off-road riding in an addictive format that effectively connects with its loyal audience.
With content covering the length and breadth of Australia, along with famous and not so famous faces Australian Trailrider is compelling reading for anyone who rides a motorbike.

Australian Trailrider Magazine entertains and informs its audience with a fresh and witty style. The team is headed by Editor Stephen Tuff, who can often be found participating at clubman level at state enduro events or in the thickest dust cloud at some of Australia’s biggest desert races. He is supported with a top notch line-up of regular contributors, ensuring Australian Trailrider connects with the recreational rider. Subscribe now and save!

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