Well Being Journal  |  Jul/Aug 2019
Welcome to our latest co-creation! You may have noticed a new cover price, especially if you have been purchasing the Journal regularly at newsstands. Ka…ching, Ka…ching: The price tag reflects increased costs for production, primarily paper price increases. Readers will continue to find that the Journal contains abundant feature content. Subscribers might note, also, that we have retained subscriptions at the current price, which represents a savings (just a few cents shy of) $20 per year over newsstand prices. We are looking for ways to decrease costs, and, of course the use of artificial intelligence (AI), in the form of computers for research, editing, communications, and design helps immeasurably. Regarding AI, some express concern that AI will displace humans from jobs, but it need not. Here at the Journal we’ve made changes, and adjustments, and our roles change, but we have the same staff as before. AI will never be superior to us because we are organic beings and can raise our awareness or our thoughts and emotions to change our lives, expand, and grow, which machines cannot do at all. It is we who, collectively, will integrate AI into our cultures and learn how to enhance life through the use of intelligent technologies. Darshan Goswami, for many years a project manager for renewable energy, micro-grid and smart grid projects at the US Department of Energy, has a passion to help create a better world. His article on AI in this issue hopefully helps assist understanding of its usefulness and role in our growth as individuals and as societies globally.
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Well Being Journal Jul/Aug 2019.