What Motorhome magazine  |  October 2015
This issue is full of firsts – perhaps most exciting is the very first road test of a VW T6 campervan, the sixth generation of this iconic vehicle.
We’ve also got the first UK test of a Morelo – a £200k Liner-class motorhome that is only now arriving in the UK from Germany. Then there are the first tests of 2016 models from Chausson (with its drop-down island bed), Pilote (with some neat innovations in van conversions) and Swift (with the new six-metre Rio with a garage).
We also welcome the return of buyers to the family motorhome sector with a Showdown test of five of the best – see these big British ’vans compared and watch the video, too.
But whatever size, style, make or model or motorhome you’re considering, 2016 is a great time to buy. In fact, we’ve got 16 great reasons why there’s never been a better time to buy!
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