I don’t know about you, but in my house it’s formal wear only for a Doctor Who watch party, so I’ve dusted off my tux, and been practicing a paradiddle or two to accompany the opening theme. It was a tough choice between the white tux or the tails for the first of the Specials, but after flipping a coin, I went for this and decided to leave the tails for Spesh 3.
Now those of you who read these editorials, rather than skipping on to the juicy bits, will have already come to the conclusion that I’m a hopeless gusher, but by all that’s holy, there’s soooo much to gush about this month. No sooner had DWM recovered from its 44th birthday bash (44 years? Really? How?) than we began gearing up for Doctor Who’s 60th. Began gearing up? As if we haven’t been gearing up for months. We’ve got a whole treasure trove of vintage Who on iPlayer! We’ve got the Doctor popping up all over the place. We’ve got so much to celebrate that I feel like a kid who’s stuffed himself with too much candy. Can I say candy? Or will I be accused of being too mid-Atlantic, like a super-cheesy radio deejay? I was going to say ‘sweets’ but then some people might think I meant cakes, and I’d never do that. But enough about my taste in treats and nibbles, nobody cares. Although I might just grab another handful of Twigl… No! Enough!