Retro Ford  |  December 2012
The December issue of Retro Ford Magazine is headed up by the craziest, and well known, home built retro Ford on the planet. Never one to shy away from something different, this month we bring you a Mk2 Granada with a difference. Powered by a Koenigsegg super-car based V8 that's twin turbo-charged and produces in excess of 1300bhp. It has a mixture of GT40 and Mustang suspension, Porsche brakes and it's all wrapped up in a near standard looking body. Better still, it was built in a garage by a couple of friends. Home-builds simply don't come more awesome than this. As ever, the issue is jam-packed with articles, which also include a 105e Anglia with a turbo-charged Crossflow, a Zakspeed Mk2 Escort race car, a Cortina road trip, the Neal Egan run in Ireland, diff and engine tech articles and much, much more.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Retro Ford December 2012.