The Burns Birthplace Cottage at Alloway
Attending the wedding of an old history graduate friend offered the opportunity for an Ayrshire adventure on the History Scotland Hidden History trail. The wedding took place at Dumfries House, of which more later. Driving through Muirkirk I was reminded of the many poets of the area: John Lapraik, Tibbie Pagan, Thomas Floyd, George Veitch Gray and James G. Samson to name but a few. It was a reminder of the breadth of poetic influences from the area. Next, I was en route to seek out Hidden Histories in Robert Burns land.
An earlier Hidden History article and podcasts gave a sense of the Burns family’s north-east roots. Robert Burnes, Robert’s grandfather, was a gardener at Dunnottar castle until the 1715 rising, moving on to tenant farming. And Robert’s father, William Burns, was born in the Mearns in 1721, working on Clochnahill farm before heading for Ayrshire.