International Piano  |  Autumn 24
The eldest of the Kanneh-Mason siblings, Isata has turned to the music of the Mendelssohns, Felix and Fanny. She talks to Jeremy Nicholas about her latest album including Fanny’s Easter Sonata, which was once assumed to have been the work of Felix.
Gaby Casadesus died 25 years ago, having lived for almost a century. Charles Timbrell, who knew her personally, pays tribute to a much loved pianist and musician.
This month’s ‘Repertoire Guide’ is slightly unusual, offering a survey
of a body of work rather than the history on record of a single piece.
Richard Whitehouse presents a detailed overview of the solo piano
music of Busoni, and recommends starting points for hearing the best
of these works in the best recordings.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in International Piano Autumn 24.