Iron Cross  |  Issue 11
Unique content includes how the AF put to good use shot-down Luftwaffe fighters during the Battle of Britain : how a German Zeppelin ended up being destroyed by ‘firing squad’ in WW1: the burial rites and culture for German soldiers during the First and Second World Wars: the volunteers from Scandinavia who served in the Waffen-SS as Hitler’s Vikings: how the Luftwaffe tried and failed to solve the Wehrmacht’s air transport problem during WW2 : the death of a top German general when his transport aircraft was shot down over Northern France: the women who served in auxiliary roles with the Luftwaffe during WW2: the ‘Torpedo Crisis’ of 1939 and 1940 which saw many of the Kriegsmarine’s torpedoes fail: the ‘Nazification’ of the Luftwaffe which stained its reputation: the story of a daring raid by German storm troop soldiers during WW1 is unlocked through what had been a mystery photograph: the bizarre ‘arrival’ of a full dress uniform and dagger which fluttered to earth over England on a coat hanger: the types of bombs used by the Luftwaffe in WW2 are examined in detail: conflict archaeology finds from the Romanian battlefields of WW1 and WW2: an unusual German armoured features in our ‘Photos from the Front’ section: a Christmas poster is our seasonal offering for our regular ‘War Posters’ page.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Iron Cross Issue 11.