A Needle Pulling Thread  |  Issue 54
Read all about it! This issue is dedicated to exploring faces in needlework, starting with exploring several ways of making quilted portraits. Quilting may be a ton of fun, but even the simplicity of patchwork has its learning curve. Outside of the quilt block is a whole new set of design and quilting skills just waiting to be explored. I encourage you to join our designers in their captivating quilting portrait adventures and give making a quilted portrait a whirl! Some skills to explore involve a study in colour and shading, curve piecing, and photo editing capabilities. In knitting and crochet we offer three dog coat patterns, and a special feature on how to go about designing a dog coat to fit your dog. The fun never ends in the company of awesome needlework ideas!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in A Needle Pulling Thread Issue 54.