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Acoustic Magazine 78 Edizione posteriore

8 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
In our May issue we’re celebrating the rise of the new guitar hero: Joe Bonamassa. Fresh from marking his momentous career with shows spanning London’s Borderline through to the Royal Albert Hall, Bonamassa has a new project out now on CD and DVD – Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House. We chat to him about being labelled the greatest guitar player of a generation, his vintage acoustics, and all about that Vienna gig! We caught up with Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell, two of the most enduring stars of the US country scene, to talk about their new album Old Yellow Moon. Billy Bragg is back, too, and he talks all about his first album in five years, Tooth and Nail. We’ve got gear from Santa Cruz – could this be the definitive OO? Michael Sanden’s DRB Roots series is on test, more from Sigma, Knaggs, and we put all three Vintage Historics through their paces. We’ve got a review of the Zoom A3 acoustic effects unit, too – who said electric guitarists have all the fun? There’s tuition from Clive Carroll, Gordon Giltrap, Mike Dawes, and many more, plus a look at the 20th anniversary release of Acoustic Routes, celebrating the life of Bert Jansch.
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78 In our May issue we’re celebrating the rise of the new guitar hero: Joe Bonamassa. Fresh from marking his momentous career with shows spanning London’s Borderline through to the Royal Albert Hall, Bonamassa has a new project out now on CD and DVD – Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House. We chat to him about being labelled the greatest guitar player of a generation, his vintage acoustics, and all about that Vienna gig! We caught up with Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell, two of the most enduring stars of the US country scene, to talk about their new album Old Yellow Moon. Billy Bragg is back, too, and he talks all about his first album in five years, Tooth and Nail. We’ve got gear from Santa Cruz – could this be the definitive OO? Michael Sanden’s DRB Roots series is on test, more from Sigma, Knaggs, and we put all three Vintage Historics through their paces. We’ve got a review of the Zoom A3 acoustic effects unit, too – who said electric guitarists have all the fun? There’s tuition from Clive Carroll, Gordon Giltrap, Mike Dawes, and many more, plus a look at the 20th anniversary release of Acoustic Routes, celebrating the life of Bert Jansch.

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Acoustic  |  78  

In our May issue we’re celebrating the rise of the new guitar hero: Joe Bonamassa. Fresh from marking his momentous career with shows spanning London’s Borderline through to the Royal Albert Hall, Bonamassa has a new project out now on CD and DVD – Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House. We chat to him about being labelled the greatest guitar player of a generation, his vintage acoustics, and all about that Vienna gig! We caught up with Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell, two of the most enduring stars of the US country scene, to talk about their new album Old Yellow Moon. Billy Bragg is back, too, and he talks all about his first album in five years, Tooth and Nail. We’ve got gear from Santa Cruz – could this be the definitive OO? Michael Sanden’s DRB Roots series is on test, more from Sigma, Knaggs, and we put all three Vintage Historics through their paces. We’ve got a review of the Zoom A3 acoustic effects unit, too – who said electric guitarists have all the fun? There’s tuition from Clive Carroll, Gordon Giltrap, Mike Dawes, and many more, plus a look at the 20th anniversary release of Acoustic Routes, celebrating the life of Bert Jansch.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Acoustic Magazine is the UK's No.1 magazine for acoustic music. It features exclusive interviews with the biggest artists as well as expert columns from respected acoustic musicians. Acoustic Magazine also includes reviews of products and gear ranging from £100 to £20,000 from the world's most well-known brands as well as elite bespoke luthiers and tips, techniques and advice for players for every level. You'll also find advice on purchasing your own acoustic guitar.

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Basato su 8 Recensioni dei clienti
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