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Computer Music Magazine

13 numeri all'anno   |  English
425 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
From €1,46 per numero

No matter whether you’re a complete novice to computer-based music production or a seasoned pro, there’s plenty for you in every issue of Computer Music magazine. Packed full of easy guides to help you start making music as well as in-depth product reviews to get you kickstarted with an epic sound-making setup. Computer Music magazine is the complete guide to making music on your computer, whether that be a Mac or a PC. 

Treat yourself to a Computer Music digital magazine subscription, and be ready for guides that’ll get you out of your comfort zone!

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Computer Music

September 2024 Explore the workshop of plugin-makers Cableguys, debate the relevance of Pro Tools in 2024, and discover the magic of fantasy sounds. Get tips on getting stems from a stereo master and learn about AI-led session players. Plus, get the scoop on Logic Pro 11 and snag a free download of the Excite Audio Lifeline Lite Plugin Bundle.

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5,99 / issue
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Issue Cover

Computer Music  |  September 2024  

Explore the workshop of plugin-makers Cableguys, debate the relevance of Pro Tools in 2024, and discover the magic of fantasy sounds. Get tips on getting stems from a stereo master and learn about AI-led session players. Plus, get the scoop on Logic Pro 11 and snag a free download of the Excite Audio Lifeline Lite Plugin Bundle.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Unleashing the music-maker in everyone, you’ll receive the techniques and tools you will need to make excellent music now. Computer Music magazine will keep you up-to-date with the constantly advancing world of music-making. Discover the news affecting your setup, product reviews, easy step by step tutorials in every issue. Computer Music features exclusive interviews with artists across the world, from game musicians and film music composers to pop personalities, you will definitely be inspired to create your next track. 

Develop your musical interest and expertise with a subscription to Computer Music, perfect for beginners looking to find the right software and hardware as well as showing you how to use it. With handy guides and features in every issue, you’ll find all the technical questions you need answering explained in a simple way. If you want to make music using your computer an easy and enjoyable activity, Computer Music magazine is a great choice for you! 

Subscribe to Computer Music magazine today, filled with helpful tutorials and projects, here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find in every issue:

  • The latest news and reviews on equipment
  • Interactive tutorials and step-by-step guides
  • Expert advice from professionals
  • All genres of music from old-school to pop
  • The best plugins to enhance your sound making experience

Riceverete 13 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Computer Music abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 425 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Very useful magazine. Recensito 22 gennaio 2023

Computer Music

The only magazine of its kind that I know of. It's heavily slanted towards Beats/EDM, etc., but I still manage to gain a lot from it. I could do without the long interviews. Recensito 05 ottobre 2022

Computer Music

good content, tutorials, interesting interviews Recensito 13 gennaio 2022

Computer Music

A lot of publicity, but I guess we have to deal with this to get the mag at a decent price. Overall good writing and cool samples library! Happy New Year! Recensito 04 gennaio 2022

Computer Music

Great magazine Recensito 10 ottobre 2021

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Computer Music September 2024.

Computer Music August 2024 August 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music July 2024 July 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music June 2024 June 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music May 2024 May 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music April 2024 April 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music March 2024 March 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music February 2024 February 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music January 2024 January 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music December 2023 December 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music November 2023 November 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music Autumn 2023 Autumn 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music October 2023 October 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Computer Music September 2023 September 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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