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Adbusters Magazine Adbusters - The Reenchantment Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
The Reenchantment: Birth of a New Mythology shines a light on the personal and geopolitical state of play for 21st century youth — and how near at hand are the antidotes to alienation, isolation, and despair. Are you feeling a little more watched over of late? Look no further than your hand. Among the novel and various forms of exploitation emerging in this late capitalist reality is perhaps the most pernicious: surveillance capitalism. That is, your constant monitoring at the hands of Google and Facebook, among other friendly giants. What is it they want? Only to know what you want, moment by moment — a catalogue of your most minute preferences, idiosyncrasies, perversions. And as the climate crisis darkens the horizon, and as our earth wobbles ever more violently on its axis, the Barbie doll of consumer culture, eyes slack and grey, inclines her face to the heavens. Am I alone? peals her cry. (You are not.) Will more save me? (It will not.) Are we okay? (We are not.) But the final chapters of this story yet need writing. Adbusters #143 issues the rallying cry for a new narrative, a new reality — the birth of a new mythology. The blueprint, comrades, has been summoned. This is the eradication of corporate control, manipulation, and abuse. This is the lonely Millennial clawing her way to a revolutionary future. This is the rejection of poison and the re-enchantment the left. They will know we are rebels by our love.
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Adbusters - The Reenchantment The Reenchantment: Birth of a New Mythology shines a light on the personal and geopolitical state of play for 21st century youth — and how near at hand are the antidotes to alienation, isolation, and despair. Are you feeling a little more watched over of late? Look no further than your hand. Among the novel and various forms of exploitation emerging in this late capitalist reality is perhaps the most pernicious: surveillance capitalism. That is, your constant monitoring at the hands of Google and Facebook, among other friendly giants. What is it they want? Only to know what you want, moment by moment — a catalogue of your most minute preferences, idiosyncrasies, perversions. And as the climate crisis darkens the horizon, and as our earth wobbles ever more violently on its axis, the Barbie doll of consumer culture, eyes slack and grey, inclines her face to the heavens. Am I alone? peals her cry. (You are not.) Will more save me? (It will not.) Are we okay? (We are not.) But the final chapters of this story yet need writing. Adbusters #143 issues the rallying cry for a new narrative, a new reality — the birth of a new mythology. The blueprint, comrades, has been summoned. This is the eradication of corporate control, manipulation, and abuse. This is the lonely Millennial clawing her way to a revolutionary future. This is the rejection of poison and the re-enchantment the left. They will know we are rebels by our love.

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Issue Cover

Adbusters  |  Adbusters - The Reenchantment  

The Reenchantment: Birth of a New Mythology shines a light on the personal and geopolitical state of play for 21st century youth — and how near at hand are the antidotes to alienation, isolation, and despair. Are you feeling a little more watched over of late? Look no further than your hand. Among the novel and various forms of exploitation emerging in this late capitalist reality is perhaps the most pernicious: surveillance capitalism. That is, your constant monitoring at the hands of Google and Facebook, among other friendly giants. What is it they want? Only to know what you want, moment by moment — a catalogue of your most minute preferences, idiosyncrasies, perversions. And as the climate crisis darkens the horizon, and as our earth wobbles ever more violently on its axis, the Barbie doll of consumer culture, eyes slack and grey, inclines her face to the heavens. Am I alone? peals her cry. (You are not.) Will more save me? (It will not.) Are we okay? (We are not.) But the final chapters of this story yet need writing. Adbusters #143 issues the rallying cry for a new narrative, a new reality — the birth of a new mythology. The blueprint, comrades, has been summoned. This is the eradication of corporate control, manipulation, and abuse. This is the lonely Millennial clawing her way to a revolutionary future. This is the rejection of poison and the re-enchantment the left. They will know we are rebels by our love.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Adbusters Media Foundation is a global network of culture jammers and
creators who are working to change the way information flows, the way
corporations wield power and the way meaning is produced in our

Ad-free since 1989, its flagship publication, Adbusters magazine, is
available worldwide and has been instrumental in launching numerous
global campaigns including Buy Nothing Day, Digital Detox Week, and, most recently, Occupy Wall Street.

Adbusters Media Foundation es una red global de saboteadores
culturales y creadores que están trabajando para cambiar la forma en
que fluye la información, la forma en que las corporaciones ejercen el
poder y la forma en que se produce significado en nuestra sociedad.

Libre de anuncios desde 1989, su buque insignia, la revista Adbusters,
está disponible en todo el mundo y ha sido clave para lanzar numerosas
campañas globales como el Día Sin Compras, la Semana de
Desintoxicación Digital, y, más recientemente, Occupy
Wall Street.

Unbridled by corporate sponsorship and completely reader funded, Adbusters has dared to go where few publications have gone before: spoofing megacorps, challenging the governing economic paradigm, publishing provocateurs and philosophical heretics, advocating for mental environmentalism and demanding the total reboot of the Western imagination. Their most recent project is a 400 page economics textbook – Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics – available everywhere November 2012.

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Highly entertaining

Thought provoking magazine particularly in the current political climate throughout the world Recensito 03 luglio 2019

Had education

Very useful tool for re-evaluate in current political climate Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

every issue is a treasure of the free mind

this magazine should be available in every shop that sells papers before its too late. the first time I read something and did not feel lied to and fucked over. Bravo! Recensito 14 gennaio 2015


Revolutionary. Should be read by everyone. Top-notch story telling Recensito 23 novembre 2012


Decent enough, could be higher quality for phone so it doesn't look bad on zoom but very nice nonetheless. Now I can keep up anywhere, no more search. #solidarity from Occupy Houston!!!!!!!! Recensito 23 novembre 2012

Articoli in questo numero

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Adbusters #164 - Nov/ Dec #164 - Nov/ Dec Acquista per €12,99 Vista | Al carrello
Adbusters #163 - Sep/ Oct #163 - Sep/ Oct Acquista per €12,99 Vista | Al carrello
Adbusters #162 - Jul/ Aug #162 - Jul/ Aug Acquista per €12,99 Vista | Al carrello
Adbusters #160 - Mar / Apr #160 - Mar / Apr Acquista per €12,99 Vista | Al carrello
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