After The Battle  |  Battle of the Bulge - through the lens
In the Battle of the Bulge Through the Lens, Philip Vorwald retraces the fields of battle in Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany which were once bitterly contested killing grounds in the struggle to halt Hitler's final gambit in the West. The battle touched dozens of towns and villages throughout the Ardennes and each is depicted through the photographer's lens in 1944-45 and exactly 50 years later. Philip's efforts to match precisely the wartime photographs with present-day comparisons are remarkable, all the more so because he has striven in many cases to achieve a 'weather match'. Presented in an easy-to-use alphabetical format, the precise location where each picture was taken is indicated on accompanying sketch maps, with instructions how to get there, giving this publication a secondary role as an indispensible guide book to historic sites of the Battle of the Bulge.
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