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Amateur Photographer Magazine July 02 2024 Edizione posteriore

146 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €4,99
Film special: This issue, we get expert darkroom tips, we talk to two wedding pros who shoot film, and we have John Wade’s history of snapshot photography; meanwhile Miles Myerscough Harris discusses the appeal of expired film. Hardware-wise we have a Nikon F100 field test and we review the Lensbaby Sweet22 and a new lens for Hasselblad’s medium format mirrorless cameras, the Hasselblad XCD 25mm F2.5 V. We also interview Charlie Phillips OBE about his new book giving an insight into black Britain
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Amateur Photographer

July 02 2024 Film special: This issue, we get expert darkroom tips, we talk to two wedding pros who shoot film, and we have John Wade’s history of snapshot photography; meanwhile Miles Myerscough Harris discusses the appeal of expired film. Hardware-wise we have a Nikon F100 field test and we review the Lensbaby Sweet22 and a new lens for Hasselblad’s medium format mirrorless cameras, the Hasselblad XCD 25mm F2.5 V. We also interview Charlie Phillips OBE about his new book giving an insight into black Britain

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Issue Cover

Amateur Photographer  |  July 02 2024  

Film special: This issue, we get expert darkroom tips, we talk to two wedding pros who shoot film, and we have John Wade’s history of snapshot photography; meanwhile Miles Myerscough Harris discusses the appeal of expired film. Hardware-wise we have a Nikon F100 field test and we review the Lensbaby Sweet22 and a new lens for Hasselblad’s medium format mirrorless cameras, the Hasselblad XCD 25mm F2.5 V. We also interview Charlie Phillips OBE about his new book giving an insight into black Britain
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Amateur Photographer is the world’s oldest weekly photographic magazine, established in 1884. It is the respected authority for news and reviews, with detailed tests and investigations on the latest equipment.

The weekly contents include interviews and columns from many of the world’s leading photographers and practical technique to inspire and enthuse the devoted readership, to whom taking photos is far more than just a hobby. Essential reading for those interested in buying photographic equipment or wanting advice about improving their picture taking.

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Basato su 146 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Amateur Photographer

I've been reading on and off since 1964 when I picked it up at a seller's stall in Aden. In my opinion, it is the most enjoyable and educational magazine available for the amateur photographer. Recensito 08 luglio 2023

Amateur Photographer

I am an Amateur Photographer and I love reading all the tips that you have in this magazine. In addition the April issue (Simply the Best) is great because I am looking for another camera and the differences that you have listed will help me get the one camera that will suit my needs Recensito 18 aprile 2023

Always entertaining

One of the best of its type Recensito 20 maggio 2022

Amateur Photographer

Getting back into photography after a gap of 20 years.
I would quite like some ideas for things to do once the lockdown is lifted.
Recensito 04 marzo 2021

Amateur Photographer

Needs a shakeup, a little too predictable Recensito 13 febbraio 2021

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