Art Market Magazine  |  April 2023
In this month's beautiful issue, we are excited to feature an exclusive interview with a unique painter based in the Democratic Republic of Congo. An exhibition cover at the Whitney Museum of American Art, which presents Josh Kline's First U.S. Museum Survey | Project for a New American Century. The Carlton Fine Arts Gallery Presents a solo show of P. Rubinstein, featuring original works and sculptures, futuristic and avant-garde works at the intersection of optical, pop, surrealism, and street art. More you will find the outstanding Sculptures of Tom Ashbourne, Fine art photography projects by Chad Coombs, Sam Pat Crawford is exhibiting her beautiful Abstract series: Sentient Forms, inspired by the tension of positive and negative space. Hava Zilbershtein, an Israel-based printmaking artist, is featuring her latest work. Digital Di (Diana) is a Cyprus-based artist who presents her latest digital illustration projects. And the fantastic Cairo Renato Gomes presents two special projects based on B&W photography and digital editing.
Featured Artists:
Sisqo Ndombe Akisieful, Josh Kline, P. Rubinstein, Cairo Renato Gomes, Digital Di, Hava Zilbershtein, Sam Pat Crawford, Chad Coombs, Tom Ashbourne.
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