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Aviation & Transport

Autostrada Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
From €9,00 per numero
A Canadian based quarterly print magazine focusing on the passion, history, and journey of people within our automotive community. Our mission is to capture the passionate people behind these local stories, all while 
having our readers in the passenger seat.
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Autostrada Magazine

September 2024 FROM THE PUBLISHERS Greetings and welcome to the September edition of Autostrada! We are excited to announce that our annual Drive For Smiles event will be taking place at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga on Saturday, September 14th at 10am. This event is close to our hearts and provides a special opportunity for everyone involved to make a lasting impact and bring joy to seriously ill children. In partnership with the Starlight Children's Foundation Canada, we are offering these children a once-in-a-lifetime experience of being driven around a race track in exotic cars in a safe and controlled environment. This event not only creates unforgettable memories for the children and drivers, but also raises funds to improve the quality of life for seriously ill children through various programs. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at this year's event and invite you to participate or sponsor this wonderful cause. This year we teamed up with Jaguar, Land Rover Canada to promote and offer our friends and clients a unique experiential driving opportunity during our private track days to get behind the wheel of their amazing automobiles at the Toronto Motorsports Park race track and experience first hand the performace of these incredible machines. Additionally, Technics and Lamborghini Automobili have collaborated to create a unique experience with the rebranded 1200 model turntables at the Hagerty Drive and Social event in Burlington, alongside the stunning Matte green Lamborghini Revuelto on display by Grand Touring Automobiles. If you are considering storing your vehicle for the winter, we recommend contacting our friends at the Toy Box for a secure, heated, and environmentally controlled storage space located at the 427/Gardiner. See you in December, Sean & Lucas

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Issue Cover

Autostrada Magazine  |  September 2024  

Greetings and welcome to the September edition of Autostrada!
We are excited to announce that our annual Drive For Smiles event will be taking place at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga on Saturday, September 14th at 10am. This event is close to our hearts and provides a special opportunity for everyone involved to make a lasting impact and bring joy to seriously ill children. In partnership with the Starlight Children's Foundation Canada, we are offering these children a once-in-a-lifetime experience of being driven around a race track in exotic cars in a safe and controlled environment. This event not only creates unforgettable memories for the children and drivers, but also raises funds to improve the quality of life for seriously ill children through various programs. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at this year's event and invite you to participate or sponsor this wonderful cause.
This year we teamed up with Jaguar, Land Rover Canada to promote and offer our friends and clients a unique experiential driving opportunity during our private track days to get behind the wheel of their amazing automobiles at the Toronto Motorsports Park race track and experience first hand the performace of these incredible machines. Additionally, Technics and Lamborghini Automobili have collaborated to create a unique experience with the rebranded 1200 model turntables at the Hagerty Drive and Social event in Burlington, alongside the stunning Matte green Lamborghini Revuelto on display by Grand Touring Automobiles.
If you are considering storing your vehicle for the winter, we recommend contacting our friends at the Toy Box for a secure, heated, and environmentally controlled storage space located at the 427/Gardiner.

See you in December,

Sean & Lucas
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
A Canadian based quarterly print magazine focusing on the passion, history, and journey of people within our automotive community. Our mission is to capture the passionate people behind these local stories, all while 
having our readers in the passenger seat.

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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Autostrada Magazine September 2024.

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Autostrada Magazine March 2024 March 2024 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine December 2023 December 2023 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine September 2023 September 2023 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Spring 2023 Spring 2023 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine December 2022 December 2022 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Fall 2022 Fall 2022 Acquista per €10,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Summer 2022 Summer 2022 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Spring 2022 Spring 2022 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Winter 2022 Winter 2022 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Autostrada Magazine Winter 2020 Winter 2020 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
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