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Leisure Interest

Beautifully British Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
Championing everything British-made
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Beautifully British

ISSUE 11 Launched in 2019, Beautifully British has become the leading magazine in British made products. A destination for people who want to change their spending habits and purchase quality items made on our home shores. Beautifully British is not just a digital version of a traditional lifestyle magazine - it's a totally different experience and community! We take a curated look at new products, exciting trends, news and independent brands at a click of a button. With easy access to the magazine, it has a wide reach and an ever-growing audience. REGULARS On our Radar - Things we thought you might like to know… We heart VERY PERI - Ways to add a touch of this new colourto your everyday Editor’s picks - Exciting British products that we love this spring and think you will too! Destinations - Get to know Cardiff FOOD & DRINK Egg-stra special! - It’s time to indulge in something a little different this Easter! Seasonal recipe - Who doesn’t love a traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake! LIFESTYLE Meet the maker – Urbee Cherisse Bown shares why she loves bees so much that she built her business around this! Helping the bees! - Engage with nature and protect our bees with some best buys…. Mum in a million - Spoil her this Mother’s Day with thoughtful gifts – she definitely deserves it! HEALTH & BEAUTY Lovely locks - Looking for fabulous items for healthy hair at home, then look no further FASHION The world is your oyster! - The best hand luggage for weekends away or travelling further afield Back to basics - Discover great fitting and stylish underwear that’s made on our shores HOME Sustainable spring-cleaning - Make a few little changes in your home to help the planet and champion less waste CELEBRATING HANDMADE Celebrate handmade - 5 important reasons to buy British-made handmade products

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Issue Cover

Beautifully British  |  ISSUE 11  

Launched in 2019, Beautifully British has become the leading magazine in British made products. A destination for people who want to change their spending habits and purchase quality items made on our home shores.

Beautifully British is not just a digital version of a traditional lifestyle magazine - it's a totally different experience and community! We take a curated look at new products, exciting trends, news and independent brands at a click of a button. With easy access to the magazine, it has a wide reach and an ever-growing audience.

On our Radar - Things we thought you might like to know…
We heart VERY PERI - Ways to add a touch of this new colourto your everyday
Editor’s picks - Exciting British products that we love this spring and think you will too!
Destinations - Get to know Cardiff

Egg-stra special! - It’s time to indulge in something a little different this Easter!
Seasonal recipe - Who doesn’t love a traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake!

Meet the maker – Urbee Cherisse Bown shares why she loves bees so much that she built her business around this!
Helping the bees! - Engage with nature and protect our bees with some best buys….
Mum in a million - Spoil her this Mother’s Day with thoughtful gifts – she definitely deserves it!

Lovely locks - Looking for fabulous items for healthy hair at home, then look no further

The world is your oyster! - The best hand luggage for weekends away or travelling further afield
Back to basics - Discover great fitting and stylish underwear that’s made on our shores

Sustainable spring-cleaning - Make a few little changes in your home to help the planet and champion less waste

Celebrate handmade - 5 important reasons to buy British-made handmade products
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Championing everything British-made

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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Beautifully British ISSUE 11.

Beautifully British ISSUE 10 ISSUE 10 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 9 ISSUE 9 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 8 ISSUE 8 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 7 ISSUE 7 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 6 ISSUE 6 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 5 ISSUE 5 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 4 ISSUE 4 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 3 ISSUE 3 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 2 ISSUE 2 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Beautifully British ISSUE 1 ISSUE 1 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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