Big Carp Magazine  |  BC181
Land of the Giants
I had a call from Keith Jenkins a couple of weeks ago now, following last month’s comment about the number of forty-plus commons in that issue. In all the years I had been producing Big Carp I had never seen so many in one issue. Not that many years ago a 20lb common was a rarity, and I remember struggling to catch my first until I fished Harefield in 1990, where all of a sudden I was on a water which contained quite a few.
I actually had a count-up, and not including a whole host of big thirties of both commons and mirrors, there was in fact one fifty-plus common and seven forty-plus commons with a lot of those over 47lb in weight. What I hadn’t noticed, for some reason, probably because I was blown away by some of the photos of these commons, was the number of big mirrors. In fact there were five forty-plus mirrors, but, and hold on to your hat, five fifty-plus mirrors too! Unbelievable but true, five different fifty-plus mirrors in one issue. My how the carp in this fair land of ours have got fat.
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