Big Carp Magazine  |  Big Carp 182
Late Summer Stunners
Firstly, may I thank the many readers who took the trouble to send their praises regarding the last few issues of Big Carp. I have to admit, they have been some of the best in our twenty-year history. Some of the series we have had this year from the likes of ‘The Explorer’, Ian Stott on Elstow, Sean Leverett’s Diary, John Claridge’s Big Carp Waters and Leon’s World of Bait have been incredible, and I promise you, they are ALL going to continue throughout the autumn and winter months. In fact, having now got through a bit of a backlog of articles sent in this spring, we have a whole new batch of series about to start, which I have held back from earlier this year. The first of which, and one that I’m particularly excited about, starts this month. ‘The Life History of Ed Betteridge’ is set to be one of the best series ever. From his humble beginnings catching his first double at Blue Waters, Ed has continually strived to get amongst some of the biggest carp in the country. I’m not going to spoil it all here and now, but his list of accolades is impressive to say the least and his exploits at Elstow and Oxford – legendary! Once Ed’s life story is up to date, we begin a new monthly diary exclusive to Big Carp, catching up with Ed every month to hear about his latest adventures.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Big Carp Magazine Big Carp 182.