Birdwatch Magazine  |  September 2023
A key target for many birders on a September seawatch is Leach’s Storm Petrel, for it is this month in which most sightings are made from land. What you might not know is that this species also breeds in Britain and Ireland, visiting its remote colonies under the cover of darkness. But its populations are in trouble, as the RSPB’s Zoe Deakin explains in the latest issue of Birdwatch.
Make the most of your seawatching this autumn with our guide to the best conditions for the North Sea coast. Mark Newsome is on hand to provide a run-through of the weather to look out for and takes a look at which species to expect and when.
Also in this issue, Ed Stubbs profiles the incomparable Wryneck, delving into its history as a British bird and detailing how to set about finding your own ‘snakebird’ this September.
This month’s ID guide focuses on American waders, in particular eight species of Calidris sandpiper whose statuses range from scarce migrant to extremely rare vagrant.
Also in this issue, Niki Williamson reports from Spain’s iconic Doñana National Park – a unique landscape that is suffering from extreme drought to overexploitation of local water resources. David Callahan tells the chequered story of Bali Myna – a Critically Endangered species that has already become extinct in the wild on one occasion.
Meanwhile, our columnists discuss Global Birdfair, building new roads and the role of AI in birding, there’s a detailed review of the flagship model in Canon’s mirrorless camera range and our experts offer advice on using converters in photography and identifying the range of bees in your garden.
September’s digital edition has bonus content, including:
• Sound recordings and footage of Leach’s Storm Petrel;
• Film and calls of American calidrids;
• Video of Wryneck;
• Sound recordings of September patch targets;
• Film of recent rarities and scarcities.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Birdwatch Magazine September 2023.