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Bow International Magazine 78 Edizione posteriore

49 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Only €5,99
Bow International issue 78 features a full Paralympic shoot report, and we take the time to catch up with first-time Olympian Amy Oliver to chat about her experience at Lords. Andrew Smith looks at what beginner and experienced archers alike can learn from watching the pros in action, and Duncan Busby finishes his two-part series on setting up the best scope for you. Chris Aston has the advice on getting into crossbow archery for the first time, while George Tekmitchov shares his tips on travelling with your bow. We’ve got shoot reports from the final leg of the Pro-Archery series, the World Field Championships, the I.L.A.A’s Championship at the Marks, and the Archery GB National Series Final, while Liam Grimwood explains his methods of conscious thought training and John Dudley cures first-time target panic. Plus, you have the opportunity to win yourself a top-of-the range Axcel tournament sight.
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Bow International

78 Bow International issue 78 features a full Paralympic shoot report, and we take the time to catch up with first-time Olympian Amy Oliver to chat about her experience at Lords. Andrew Smith looks at what beginner and experienced archers alike can learn from watching the pros in action, and Duncan Busby finishes his two-part series on setting up the best scope for you. Chris Aston has the advice on getting into crossbow archery for the first time, while George Tekmitchov shares his tips on travelling with your bow. We’ve got shoot reports from the final leg of the Pro-Archery series, the World Field Championships, the I.L.A.A’s Championship at the Marks, and the Archery GB National Series Final, while Liam Grimwood explains his methods of conscious thought training and John Dudley cures first-time target panic. Plus, you have the opportunity to win yourself a top-of-the range Axcel tournament sight.

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Bow International  |  78  

Bow International issue 78 features a full Paralympic shoot report, and we take the time to catch up with first-time Olympian Amy Oliver to chat about her experience at Lords. Andrew Smith looks at what beginner and experienced archers alike can learn from watching the pros in action, and Duncan Busby finishes his two-part series on setting up the best scope for you. Chris Aston has the advice on getting into crossbow archery for the first time, while George Tekmitchov shares his tips on travelling with your bow. We’ve got shoot reports from the final leg of the Pro-Archery series, the World Field Championships, the I.L.A.A’s Championship at the Marks, and the Archery GB National Series Final, while Liam Grimwood explains his methods of conscious thought training and John Dudley cures first-time target panic. Plus, you have the opportunity to win yourself a top-of-the range Axcel tournament sight.
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Whatever sort of archery you do, Bow International is the specialist magazine to keep you informed. For experienced shots and beginners alike, it is packed full of archery stories, product reviews, news and information from Great Britain and across the world.

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Basato su 49 Recensioni dei clienti
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More articles with experts on coaching and equipment/tuning. Recensito 01 dicembre 2020

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Keep up the good work! Recensito 21 maggio 2020

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