Boxing Monthly  |  Boxing Monthly October 2010
Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito are on the cover. We investigate. in depth. how Margarito who was banned for illegal handwrapping has come to be relicenced. Audley Harrison tells us exactly why the anticipated showdown with David Haye is such a needle match. we take an in depth look at the new British amateur set up and pick some stars of the future. Steve Bunce takes you behind the scenes on Mike Tysons British tour. We revisit the career of the feared puncher that was John The Beast Mugabi. We spotlight Cornelius K9 Bundrage. failed Contender contestant and former drug dealer who has overcome tragedy and hardship to become a world champ and theres much much more.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Boxing Monthly Boxing Monthly October 2010.