Canadian Cowboy Country  |  Dec 20/Jan 21
The December/January 2021 issue of Canadian Cowboy Country features the Trailblazer story of J. B. Leighton, known as “The Boy” from the gold strike town of Barkerville; two ranchers in the Cariboo speak about what works for them when feeding their cattle in the winter; our “cow whisperer,” Dylan Biggs, writes about the strong instincts of cows; we go behind the scenes on the popular TV show Heartland and see how they kept filming during the virus; we feature the Canadian cowboys who have earned a berth in the National Finals Rodeo; and, staying on the cowboy theme, some multi-award-winning rodeo contestants show us some of their favourite trophies from their years in competition. All this, plus we bring you some unique storage and bunkhouse ideas you could incorporate on your home on the range.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Canadian Cowboy Country Dec 20/Jan 21.