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General Interest

OUTBACK Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
21 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (National & Regional)
From €2,16 per numero
When you read OUTBACK we introduce you to some of our most colourful characters, and show you some truly amazing scenery along the way; from broad sweeping plains, to vibrant red deserts and soaring mountain ranges … all surrounded, of course, by crystal blue oceans.

This is OUTBACK magazine, the inspirational read that takes you beyond the city and deep into the heart of Australia. In our pages you’ll discover a world of fascinating people, some hard at work keeping old traditions alive, others fast discovering new ways to breathe vibrancy and life into an ancient land.

Whether it be the forests of Tasmania, the high country of Victoria or the untamed Top End, this is a land of energy, hope and innovation. For more than 25 years OUTBACK magazine has brought the people of the bush together, highlighting in a positive, supportive style of reporting their struggles, successes and triumphs.

R.M.Williams OUTBACK Magazine: Winner of the General Interest category in the 2014 Australian Magazine Awards
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OUTBACK Magazine

OUTBACK 156 The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest groundwater reservoirs in the world, sustaining life wherever its ancient waters come to the surface. It covers 1.7 million sq km, representing over one fifth of the continent, with most of it lying under Queensland, but extending into NSW, SA and the NT. We take a deep dive into one of the largest groundwater resources in the world, as disparate groups unite in efforts to protect it from general overuse, mining and carbon projects. Other highlights in our August-September issue include the robust Red Centre cattle station Ammaroo and its associated properties, how small players can invest in farming and a photographic exploration of the west coast of SA’s wild Eyre Peninsula.

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Issue Cover

OUTBACK Magazine  |  OUTBACK 156  

The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest groundwater reservoirs in the world, sustaining life wherever its ancient waters come to the surface. It covers 1.7 million sq km, representing over one fifth of the continent, with most of it lying under Queensland, but extending into NSW, SA and the NT. We take a deep dive into one of the largest groundwater resources in the world, as disparate groups unite in efforts to protect it from general overuse, mining and carbon projects. Other highlights in our August-September issue include the robust Red Centre cattle station Ammaroo and its associated properties, how small players can invest in farming and a photographic exploration of the west coast of SA’s wild Eyre Peninsula.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
When you read OUTBACK we introduce you to some of our most colourful characters, and show you some truly amazing scenery along the way; from broad sweeping plains, to vibrant red deserts and soaring mountain ranges … all surrounded, of course, by crystal blue oceans.

This is OUTBACK magazine, the inspirational read that takes you beyond the city and deep into the heart of Australia. In our pages you’ll discover a world of fascinating people, some hard at work keeping old traditions alive, others fast discovering new ways to breathe vibrancy and life into an ancient land.

Whether it be the forests of Tasmania, the high country of Victoria or the untamed Top End, this is a land of energy, hope and innovation. For more than 25 years OUTBACK magazine has brought the people of the bush together, highlighting in a positive, supportive style of reporting their struggles, successes and triumphs.

R.M.Williams OUTBACK Magazine: Winner of the General Interest category in the 2014 Australian Magazine Awards

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Basato su 21 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

OUTBACK Magazine

Brilliant publication. I've been a subscriber since Issue#1 Recensito 22 giugno 2020

OUTBACK Magazine

I love the diversity and quality of the magazine.
Recensito 25 maggio 2020

Ozzie Outback Mag for all

Great mag for exploring Outback culture and living in good old Australia. Recensito 22 novembre 2018

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in OUTBACK Magazine OUTBACK 156.

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