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Carpworld Magazine February 2020 Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
In this month...

Tim Paisley - The Big Interview with Les Webber...
Further to witnessing a brief exchange of words at the memorial service for the late John Wilson, Tim felt that a suitably worthy candidate for his next Big Interview would be none other than Les Webber MBE – a man that has done so much unheralded work to champion the cause of angling under his own steam...

Anthony Jones - Stoneacres...
Anthony has spent the past two seasons fishing on the famous Oxfordshire venue in pursuit of its wily residents ...

Myles Gibson - Carp Diary...
Myles has kept plugging away on the snaggy pit throughout the autumn and as the year drew to a close he did an extra session here and there to try and maximise his chances...

Darrell Peck - Pecky’s Progress...
With things not going quite according to plan down at Wellington Country Park, Darrell is contemplating easing back for the winter to focus on odd jobs around the house and just the occasional social event, such as this, with his friend, Phil ...

Ian Chillcott - 2020 Vision...
As Chilly prepares to embark upon another year of angling in his own inimitable style, he ponders some of the thoughts and words of others on the same path...

Brian Skoyles - Derek Pye Interview...
Over the winter period, Brian caught up with his good friend and fellow Yorkshireman, Derek Pye, for a look back over his 40 years of carp fishing to date ...

As well as Tim Paisley's Still Carping On, Paul Forward, Julian Cundiff, Chris Ball, Think Tank, Rigworld, Baitworld, Tackleworld, new Speero clothing up for grabs, we announce the four latest inductees into the prestigious Carp Fishing Hall of Fame and much more!
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February 2020 In this month... Tim Paisley - The Big Interview with Les Webber... Further to witnessing a brief exchange of words at the memorial service for the late John Wilson, Tim felt that a suitably worthy candidate for his next Big Interview would be none other than Les Webber MBE – a man that has done so much unheralded work to champion the cause of angling under his own steam... Anthony Jones - Stoneacres... Anthony has spent the past two seasons fishing on the famous Oxfordshire venue in pursuit of its wily residents ... Myles Gibson - Carp Diary... Myles has kept plugging away on the snaggy pit throughout the autumn and as the year drew to a close he did an extra session here and there to try and maximise his chances... Darrell Peck - Pecky’s Progress... With things not going quite according to plan down at Wellington Country Park, Darrell is contemplating easing back for the winter to focus on odd jobs around the house and just the occasional social event, such as this, with his friend, Phil ... Ian Chillcott - 2020 Vision... As Chilly prepares to embark upon another year of angling in his own inimitable style, he ponders some of the thoughts and words of others on the same path... Brian Skoyles - Derek Pye Interview... Over the winter period, Brian caught up with his good friend and fellow Yorkshireman, Derek Pye, for a look back over his 40 years of carp fishing to date ... As well as Tim Paisley's Still Carping On, Paul Forward, Julian Cundiff, Chris Ball, Think Tank, Rigworld, Baitworld, Tackleworld, new Speero clothing up for grabs, we announce the four latest inductees into the prestigious Carp Fishing Hall of Fame and much more!

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Issue Cover

Carpworld  |  February 2020  

In this month...

Tim Paisley - The Big Interview with Les Webber...
Further to witnessing a brief exchange of words at the memorial service for the late John Wilson, Tim felt that a suitably worthy candidate for his next Big Interview would be none other than Les Webber MBE – a man that has done so much unheralded work to champion the cause of angling under his own steam...

Anthony Jones - Stoneacres...
Anthony has spent the past two seasons fishing on the famous Oxfordshire venue in pursuit of its wily residents ...

Myles Gibson - Carp Diary...
Myles has kept plugging away on the snaggy pit throughout the autumn and as the year drew to a close he did an extra session here and there to try and maximise his chances...

Darrell Peck - Pecky’s Progress...
With things not going quite according to plan down at Wellington Country Park, Darrell is contemplating easing back for the winter to focus on odd jobs around the house and just the occasional social event, such as this, with his friend, Phil ...

Ian Chillcott - 2020 Vision...
As Chilly prepares to embark upon another year of angling in his own inimitable style, he ponders some of the thoughts and words of others on the same path...

Brian Skoyles - Derek Pye Interview...
Over the winter period, Brian caught up with his good friend and fellow Yorkshireman, Derek Pye, for a look back over his 40 years of carp fishing to date ...

As well as Tim Paisley's Still Carping On, Paul Forward, Julian Cundiff, Chris Ball, Think Tank, Rigworld, Baitworld, Tackleworld, new Speero clothing up for grabs, we announce the four latest inductees into the prestigious Carp Fishing Hall of Fame and much more!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Carpworld magazine is your go-to monthly for everything you need to know about the world of carp fishing. Enjoy all of the latest news from the carp-fishing community directly at your fingertips! Each month enjoy a motivational read that covers everything from technical elements and feature reviews to interviews, competitions and even a regular gossip column. There’s something for everyone in Carpworld magazine whether you’re a seasoned fisher or just starting out.

Your trusted fishing companion for over 29 years, subscribe today and make sure you never miss a development in the carp fishing community!

Carpworld magazine has been paving the way since 1988 and has since gained a dedicated and enthusiastic following with regular high profile columnists including Darrell Peck, Terry Hearn and Paul Forward. Full of thought-provoking features and interesting articles, Carpworld is the original and still the best.

Carpworld is sure to entertain, inform and surprise you so don’t miss out on:

  • Interviews with high profile carp fishing enthusiasts such as Darrell Peck and Terry Hearn
  • Our best-loved thought-provoking features
  • Subscriber-only competitions
  • Gear reviews as well as tips and tricks to get the most out of your fishing trips
  • Interviews and much more!

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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
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A shame no longer in production, it will be missed. Recensito 13 marzo 2020


good informative well presented publication Recensito 09 marzo 2020


fantastic magazine, from the first issue back in the day till this last issue ... top stuff Recensito 21 febbraio 2020

Best in class

Excellent photography Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Best in class

Really great magazine for all those interested in fishing Recensito 15 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Carpworld February 2020.

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Carpworld February 2019 February 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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