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Carve Magazine Issue 126 Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Boards & Watersports)
Only €4,99
• Elliot Dudley and Skindog missioned through the Western Sahara this winter. They found empty lineups, over the top bureaucracy and, predictably plenty of sand.
• Do you love a log? Fancy a fish? Feel teased by a twinny? Check out our annual guide has all that is great and good in the retro board arena.
• Luke Hart has gone from shaping zero to hero in a few short years so we thought it was about time we locked him in the shaping bay for a chinwag.
• Ferg and Lowey surprised Mickey Smith with a plane ticket to Tahiti recently. The best swell in years was brewing and the boys couldn’t resist. They had a good dig in surfing’s most famous gladiator pit and Mick shot, swam and chuckled at the corner of the reef. This is his epic little tale.
• Whilst we’ve had a few fun head high days in our summer afflicted lands them chaps in the rest of the world have been barraged with swell. We asked a brace of photogs to send in their favourite images.
PLUS: Tom Butler interview, Jordy's rocket powered board and much more
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Issue 126 • Elliot Dudley and Skindog missioned through the Western Sahara this winter. They found empty lineups, over the top bureaucracy and, predictably plenty of sand. • Do you love a log? Fancy a fish? Feel teased by a twinny? Check out our annual guide has all that is great and good in the retro board arena. • Luke Hart has gone from shaping zero to hero in a few short years so we thought it was about time we locked him in the shaping bay for a chinwag. • Ferg and Lowey surprised Mickey Smith with a plane ticket to Tahiti recently. The best swell in years was brewing and the boys couldn’t resist. They had a good dig in surfing’s most famous gladiator pit and Mick shot, swam and chuckled at the corner of the reef. This is his epic little tale. • Whilst we’ve had a few fun head high days in our summer afflicted lands them chaps in the rest of the world have been barraged with swell. We asked a brace of photogs to send in their favourite images. PLUS: Tom Butler interview, Jordy's rocket powered board and much more

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Issue Cover

Carve  |  Issue 126  

• Elliot Dudley and Skindog missioned through the Western Sahara this winter. They found empty lineups, over the top bureaucracy and, predictably plenty of sand.
• Do you love a log? Fancy a fish? Feel teased by a twinny? Check out our annual guide has all that is great and good in the retro board arena.
• Luke Hart has gone from shaping zero to hero in a few short years so we thought it was about time we locked him in the shaping bay for a chinwag.
• Ferg and Lowey surprised Mickey Smith with a plane ticket to Tahiti recently. The best swell in years was brewing and the boys couldn’t resist. They had a good dig in surfing’s most famous gladiator pit and Mick shot, swam and chuckled at the corner of the reef. This is his epic little tale.
• Whilst we’ve had a few fun head high days in our summer afflicted lands them chaps in the rest of the world have been barraged with swell. We asked a brace of photogs to send in their favourite images.
PLUS: Tom Butler interview, Jordy's rocket powered board and much more
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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Best ever !! Recensito 14 aprile 2020

Thoroughly entertaining

Very emotional and and interesting Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Beautiful! Recensito 06 luglio 2011

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Carve Issue 126.

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