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Tech & Gaming

Checkpoint Kids Magazine

9 numeri all'anno   |  English
1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
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A new, free and fully interactive digital magazine for kids by kids and supported by teachers.

This is a platform for your kids to learn, explore and express their love of games.

We would love to see what wonderful worlds your kids are exploring. Send in audio, video, written or art work and we'll feature in the magazine.
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Checkpoint Kids

Checkpoint Kids ADVENTURES A video game magazine for kids by kids! This issue we look at ADVENTURE games such as Sonic, Rayman, Super Mario and more! Learn to get the best out of your games with challenges and puzzles in this fully interactive magazine made for you! Find out what other kids are playing, how they're being inspired and send us through your creations! And see what the students from Wormholt Primary School get up to with a bespoke Design and Technology lesson inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog! They even get the chance to speak to Sonic Executive Producer Aaron Roseman. Don't forget, we have home learning packs too for you to do independently - and make sure you send us your work Have you played a game that you love? Then write a review and send it to us. Have you seen something that inspired you draw something? Email it to us. Want to see your work in the magazine? Then make sure you send it through and get your parents to send a permission slip so we can get it out there. Take on our challenges, watch our videos and interviews, listen to audio clips or just play through our interactive puzzles. And tell your friends!

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Issue Cover

Checkpoint Kids  |  Checkpoint Kids ADVENTURES  

A video game magazine for kids by kids! This issue we look at ADVENTURE games such as Sonic, Rayman, Super Mario and more!
Learn to get the best out of your games with challenges and puzzles in this fully interactive magazine made for you! Find out what other kids are playing, how they're being inspired and send us through your creations!
And see what the students from Wormholt Primary School get up to with a bespoke Design and Technology lesson inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog! They even get the chance to speak to Sonic Executive Producer Aaron Roseman.
Don't forget, we have home learning packs too for you to do independently - and make sure you send us your work

Have you played a game that you love? Then write a review and send it to us.
Have you seen something that inspired you draw something? Email it to us.
Want to see your work in the magazine? Then make sure you send it through and get your parents to send a permission slip so we can get it out there.

Take on our challenges, watch our videos and interviews, listen to audio clips or just play through our interactive puzzles. And tell your friends!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
A new, free and fully interactive digital magazine for kids by kids and supported by teachers.

This is a platform for your kids to learn, explore and express their love of games.

We would love to see what wonderful worlds your kids are exploring. Send in audio, video, written or art work and we'll feature in the magazine.

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Riceverete 9 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Checkpoint Kids abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great Mag for Kids

Great Mag for Kids Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Checkpoint Kids Checkpoint Kids ADVENTURES.