China Report  |  Issue 92
While many countries are dealing with the second or third wave of Covid-19 pandemic, China has got only a few pockets of mostly imported cases. The country is pouring large sums of fund into building mega-hospitals, centres of disease control, and intensive care units. (P.16-19) The cover story for this issue is what’s been dubbed “the history thieves”—tomb raiders. (P.20-27) China has become the third country to fetch moon samples back to earth. The deputy designer for the Chang’e mission reveals the difficulties. (P.34-37) And the recently signed RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) agreement paves the way for more prosperity in Southeast Asia (P.10-12). For the literary minded, the story of 99-year-old Professor Xu Yuanchong lost himself in translation is fascinating. (P.52-55)
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