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Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Fabulous Ford Edizione posteriore

29 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €4,99
Over the years, I’ve worked for a number of publications including newspapers – local and national
– and, of course, magazines. They have always been my favourite sector of journalism and I’ve bought them for ages, going back to the sixties, when I read Motorcycle Mechanics, Car Mechanics,
Hot Car, Custom Car and a good few more. You may remember some of those titles. No trucks involved, because there weren’t any lorry mags at the time (well, I never saw any). Every magazine follows a formula for its contents and there are the regulars, such as (in our case) restoration features, letters, news, Readers’ Memories, Carrying On, Peter Davies’s excellent Close-up on Classics and PD on a Roll, Nick Baldwin’s fascinating in-depth look at manufacturers and some of the weird and wonderful machines they offered us and so on. Also, we try to bring you what I would
term as a “guest” series – that is, features that follow a theme and run for a fair while. You’ll recall our transport cafés series, which was amazingly popular, and then Epic Engines. That evoked a great response, too. We are now running In Good Company, which lets readers tell of their times with a particular firm, or firms. A little while back, we had this idea of letting a driver of a modern lorry get behind the wheel of a classic to see how they compared and it seemed that it might develop into a series. Well, we had an incredible response from volunteer drivers, but so far, only two owners of classics willing to let their lorries be taken out. But I’m working on it. The point I am making is that this feature has by no means been forgotten and if you offered your services as a
driver, you haven’t been ignored. And still on the subject of magazines (handy, because that’s what you’re reading), CVC gets an almost unbelievable response from readers, more, perhaps than I have experienced with any other mag.
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Classic & Vintage Commercials

Fabulous Ford Over the years, I’ve worked for a number of publications including newspapers – local and national – and, of course, magazines. They have always been my favourite sector of journalism and I’ve bought them for ages, going back to the sixties, when I read Motorcycle Mechanics, Car Mechanics, Hot Car, Custom Car and a good few more. You may remember some of those titles. No trucks involved, because there weren’t any lorry mags at the time (well, I never saw any). Every magazine follows a formula for its contents and there are the regulars, such as (in our case) restoration features, letters, news, Readers’ Memories, Carrying On, Peter Davies’s excellent Close-up on Classics and PD on a Roll, Nick Baldwin’s fascinating in-depth look at manufacturers and some of the weird and wonderful machines they offered us and so on. Also, we try to bring you what I would term as a “guest” series – that is, features that follow a theme and run for a fair while. You’ll recall our transport cafés series, which was amazingly popular, and then Epic Engines. That evoked a great response, too. We are now running In Good Company, which lets readers tell of their times with a particular firm, or firms. A little while back, we had this idea of letting a driver of a modern lorry get behind the wheel of a classic to see how they compared and it seemed that it might develop into a series. Well, we had an incredible response from volunteer drivers, but so far, only two owners of classics willing to let their lorries be taken out. But I’m working on it. The point I am making is that this feature has by no means been forgotten and if you offered your services as a driver, you haven’t been ignored. And still on the subject of magazines (handy, because that’s what you’re reading), CVC gets an almost unbelievable response from readers, more, perhaps than I have experienced with any other mag.

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Classic & Vintage Commercials  |  Fabulous Ford  

Over the years, I’ve worked for a number of publications including newspapers – local and national
– and, of course, magazines. They have always been my favourite sector of journalism and I’ve bought them for ages, going back to the sixties, when I read Motorcycle Mechanics, Car Mechanics,
Hot Car, Custom Car and a good few more. You may remember some of those titles. No trucks involved, because there weren’t any lorry mags at the time (well, I never saw any). Every magazine follows a formula for its contents and there are the regulars, such as (in our case) restoration features, letters, news, Readers’ Memories, Carrying On, Peter Davies’s excellent Close-up on Classics and PD on a Roll, Nick Baldwin’s fascinating in-depth look at manufacturers and some of the weird and wonderful machines they offered us and so on. Also, we try to bring you what I would
term as a “guest” series – that is, features that follow a theme and run for a fair while. You’ll recall our transport cafés series, which was amazingly popular, and then Epic Engines. That evoked a great response, too. We are now running In Good Company, which lets readers tell of their times with a particular firm, or firms. A little while back, we had this idea of letting a driver of a modern lorry get behind the wheel of a classic to see how they compared and it seemed that it might develop into a series. Well, we had an incredible response from volunteer drivers, but so far, only two owners of classics willing to let their lorries be taken out. But I’m working on it. The point I am making is that this feature has by no means been forgotten and if you offered your services as a
driver, you haven’t been ignored. And still on the subject of magazines (handy, because that’s what you’re reading), CVC gets an almost unbelievable response from readers, more, perhaps than I have experienced with any other mag.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Take a trip down memory lane with Britain’s best-selling classic road-haulage magazine. From reader’s restorations and recollections to company histories and archive images, you’ll find a welcome mix of nostalgia and news and even some classic trucks for sale.

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Basato su 29 Recensioni dei clienti
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Classic & Vintage Commercials

more in depth coverage of the restorations would be better ( words and pictures) Recensito 20 febbraio 2020

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Classic & Vintage Commercials Mar-24 Mar-24 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic & Vintage Commercials Feb-24 Feb-24 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic & Vintage Commercials Jan-24 Jan-24 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic & Vintage Commercials Dec-23 Dec-23 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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